
Pascal Estraillier

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10EEFrancois Picard, Pascal Estraillier: Motion capture system contextualization. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2008: 147-150
9EEMatthieu Perreira Da Silva, Vincent Courboulay, Armelle Prigent, Pascal Estraillier: Real-Time Face Tracking for Attention Aware Adaptive Games. ICVS 2008: 99-108
8EERonan Champagnat, Pascal Estraillier, Armelle Prigent: Adaptative execution of game: unfolding a correct story. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2006: 103
7EEKarim Sehaba, Pascal Estraillier: Game execution control by analysis of player's behavior. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2006: 19
6EEKarim Sehaba, Pascal Estraillier, Didier Lambert: Interactive Educational Games for Autistic Children with Agent-Based System. ICEC 2005: 422-432
5EENacereddine Zarour, Mahmoud Boufaïda, Lionel Seinturier, Pascal Estraillier: Supporting virtual enterprise systems using agent coordination. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 8(3): 330-349 (2005)
4 F. Collé, Karim Sehaba, Pascal Estraillier: A Framework for Business Simulator: A First Experience. ICEIS (3) 2003: 540-543
3EENacereddine Zarour, Mahmoud Boufaïda, Lionel Seinturier, Pascal Estraillier: Inter-Agent Cooperation Supported by XML and CORBA in Heterogeneous Information Systems. DNIS 2000: 216-227
2 Haféda Bachatène, Jean-Michel Couvreur, Pascal Estraillier: Specification of Compositional Active Objects Using Modular Colored Nets. Applications in Parallel and Distributed Computing 1994: 205-214
1 Haféda Bachatène, Pascal Estraillier: A Multiformalism Approach to Formalize Complex Distributed Systems. IFIP Congress (1) 1992: 120-126

Coauthor Index

1Haféda Bachatène [1] [2]
2Mahmoud Boufaïda [3] [5]
3Ronan Champagnat [8]
4F. Collé [4]
5Vincent Courboulay [9]
6Jean-Michel Couvreur [2]
7Didier Lambert [6]
8Francois Picard [10]
9Armelle Prigent [8] [9]
10Karim Sehaba [4] [6] [7]
11Lionel Seinturier [3] [5]
12Matthieu Perreira Da Silva [9]
13Nacereddine Zarour [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)