
Cem Ersoy

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34EEYunus Durmus, Bahri Atay Ozgovde, Cem Ersoy: Event Based Fairness for Video Surveillance Sensor Networks. Networking 2009: 40-51
33EEBahri Atay Ozgovde, Cem Ersoy: WCOT: A utility based lifetime metric for wireless sensor networks. Computer Communications 32(2): 409-418 (2009)
32EEIlker Demirkol, Cem Ersoy, Fatih Alagöz, Hakan Deliç: The impact of a realistic packet traffic model on the performance of surveillance wireless sensor networks. Computer Networks 53(3): 382-399 (2009)
31EEErtan Onur, Cem Ersoy, Hakan Deliç: Temporal Resilience of Deployment Quality in Surveillance Wireless Sensor Networks. WCNC 2008: 3291-3296
30EEI. Kuban Altinel, Necati Aras, Evren Güney, Cem Ersoy: Binary integer programming formulation and heuristics for differentiated coverage in heterogeneous sensor networks. Computer Networks 52(12): 2419-2431 (2008)
29EERoy Kucukates, Cem Ersoy: Minimum flow maximum residual routing in LEO satellite networks using routing set. Wireless Networks 14(4): 501-517 (2008)
28EETolga Onel, Cem Ersoy, Hakan Deliç: On Collaboration in a Distributed Multi-Target Tracking Framework. ICC 2007: 3265-3270
27EERabun Kosar, Cem Ersoy: Enhancing The Performance of Nonuniformly Deployed Sensor Network by Locating Bottleneck Areas for Partial Redeployment. MASCOTS 2007: 117-123
26EEErtan Onur, Cem Ersoy, Hakan Deliç, Lale Akarun: Surveillance Wireless Sensor Networks: Deployment Quality Analysis. IEEE Network 21(6): 48-53 (2007)
25EETolga Onel, Cem Ersoy, Hakan Deliç: An Information-Controlled Transmission Power Adjustment Scheme for Collaborative Target Tracking. ISCC 2006: 294-300
24EEErtan Onur, Cem Ersoy, Hakan Deliç: How many sensors for an acceptable breach detection probability? Computer Communications 29(2): 173-182 (2006)
23EESinan Isik, Mehmet Yunus Donmez, Cem Ersoy: Itinerant Delivery of Popular Data via WIDE Hot Spots. MONET 11(2): 297-307 (2006)
22EEKaan Bür, Cem Ersoy: Admission Control for Multicast Routing with Quality of Service in Ad Hoc Networks. ISCIS 2005: 44-53
21EEKaan Bür, Cem Ersoy: Ad hoc quality of service multicast routing. Computer Communications 29(1): 136-148 (2005)
20EEErtan Onur, Cem Ersoy, Hakan Deliç: Quality of Deployment in Surveillance Wireless Sensor Networks. IJWIN 12(1): 61-67 (2005)
19EETuna Tugcu, Cem Ersoy: A New Call Admission Control Scheme Based on Mobile Position Estimation in DS-CDMA Systems. Wireless Networks 11(3): 341-351 (2005)
18EEKaan Bür, Cem Ersoy: Multicast Routing for Ad Hoc Networks with a Multiclass Scheme for Quality of Service. ISCIS 2004: 187-197
17EESinan Isik, Mehmet Yunus Donmez, Cem Ersoy: Reliable Delivery of Popular Data Services in WIDE. ISCIS 2004: 289-298
16EEErtan Onur, Cem Ersoy, Hakan Deliç, Lale Akarun: Finding Breach Paths Using the Watershed Segmentation Algorithm in Surveillance Wireless Sensor Networks. ISCIS 2004: 363-372
15EEMehmet Yunus Donmez, Sinan Isik, Cem Ersoy: WIDE: Wireless Information Delivery Environment in Distributed Hot Spots. WONS 2004: 315-328
14EEE. Ilker Oyman, Cem Ersoy: Overhead energy considerations for efficient routing in wireless sensor networks. Computer Networks 46(4): 465-478 (2004)
13EETolga Onel, Cem Ersoy, Erdal Cayirci, Gerard Parr: A multicriteria handoff decision scheme for the next generation tactical communications systems. Computer Networks 46(5): 695-708 (2004)
12EEIlker Demirkol, Cem Ersoy, Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan, Hakan Deliç: Location area planning and cell-to-switch assignment in cellular networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(3): 880-890 (2004)
11EETuna Tugcu, Cem Ersoy: How a new realistic mobility model can affect the relative performance of a mobile networking scheme. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 4(4): 383-394 (2004)
10EERoy Kucukates, Cem Ersoy: High Performance Routing in a LEO Satellite Network. ISCC 2003: 1403-1408
9EEErtan Onur, Hakan Deliç, Cem Ersoy, M. Ufuk Çaglayan: Measurement-based replanning of cell capacities in GSM networks. Computer Networks 39(6): 749-767 (2002)
8EEIlker Demirkol, Cem Ersoy, M. Ufuk Çaglayan, Hakan Deliç: Location Area Planning in Cellular Networks Using Simulated Annealing. INFOCOM 2001: 13-20
7EEErdal Cayirci, Cem Ersoy: A PCS based architecture for tactical mobile communications. Computer Networks 35(2-3): 327-350 (2001)
6 Eylem Ekici, Cem Ersoy: Multi-Tier Cellular Network Dimensioning. Wireless Networks 7(4): 401-411 (2001)
5EEKaan Bür, Cem Ersoy: A virtual path routing algorithm for ATM networks based on the equivalent bandwidth concept. Computer Communications 23(4): 379-394 (2000)
4EECenk Gazen, Cem Ersoy: Genetic algorithms for designing multihop lightwave network topologies. AI in Engineering 13(3): 211-221 (1999)
3 Cenk Gazen, Cem Ersoy: Optimization of Logically Rearrangeable Multihop Lightwave Networks With Genetic Algorithms. Data Communications and their Performance 1995: 125-138
2 Cem Ersoy, Shivendra S. Panwar: Topological Design of Interconnected LAN/MAN Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(8): 1172-1182 (1993)
1 Cem Ersoy, Shivendra S. Panwar: Topological Design of Interconnected LAN-MAN Networks. INFOCOM 1992: 2260-2269

Coauthor Index

1Lale Akarun [16] [26]
2Fatih Alagöz [32]
3I. Kuban Altinel [30]
4Necati Aras [30]
5Kaan Bür [5] [18] [21] [22]
6M. Ufuk Çaglayan (Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan) [8] [9] [12]
7Erdal Cayirci [7] [13]
8Hakan Deliç [8] [9] [12] [16] [20] [24] [25] [26] [28] [31] [32]
9Ilker Demirkol [8] [12] [32]
10Mehmet Yunus Donmez [15] [17] [23]
11Yunus Durmus [34]
12Eylem Ekici [6]
13Cenk Gazen [3] [4]
14Evren Güney [30]
15Sinan Isik [15] [17] [23]
16Rabun Kosar [27]
17Roy Kucukates [10] [29]
18Tolga Onel [13] [25] [28]
19Ertan Onur [9] [16] [20] [24] [26] [31]
20E. Ilker Oyman [14]
21Bahri Atay Ozgovde [33] [34]
22Shivendra S. Panwar [1] [2]
23Gerard Parr [13]
24Tuna Tugcu [11] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)