
Jan B. F. van Erp

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6EEJan B. F. van Erp, Michiel M. A. Spapé: Time-Shrinking and the Design of Tactons. EuroHaptics 2008: 289-294
5EEJan B. F. van Erp, Thorsten Alexander Kern: ISO's Work on Guidance for Haptic and Tactile Interactions. EuroHaptics 2008: 936-940
4EEJan B. F. van Erp: Vibrotactile Spatial Acuity on the Torso: Effects of Location and Timing Parameters. WHC 2005: 80-85
3EEJan B. F. van Erp: Tactile Navigation Display. Haptic Human-Computer Interaction 2000: 165-173
2EEHenricus A. H. C. van Veen, Jan B. F. van Erp: Tactile Information Presentation in the Cockpit. Haptic Human-Computer Interaction 2000: 174-181
1 Jan B. F. van Erp, Bart Kappé: Ecological Display Design for the Control of Unmanned Airframes. HCI (2) 1997: 267-270

Coauthor Index

1Bart Kappé [1]
2Thorsten Alexander Kern [5]
3Michiel M. A. Spapé [6]
4Henricus A. H. C. van Veen [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)