
Alexey M. Eroshkin

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2EEYoshinobu Igarashi, Alexey M. Eroshkin, Svetlana Gramatikova, Kosi Gramatikoff, Ying Zhang, Jeffrey W. Smith, Andrei Osterman, Adam Godzik: CutDB: a proteolytic event database. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 546-549 (2007)
1EEVladimir A. Ivanisenko, Alexey M. Eroshkin, Nikolay A. Kolchanov: WebProAnalyst: an interactive tool for analysis of quantitative structure-activity relationships in protein families. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Web-Server-Issue): 99-104 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Adam Godzik [2]
2Kosi Gramatikoff [2]
3Svetlana Gramatikova [2]
4Yoshinobu Igarashi [2]
5Vladimir A. Ivanisenko [1]
6Nikolay A. Kolchanov [1]
7Andrei Osterman [2]
8Jeffrey W. Smith [2]
9Ying Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)