
Jae-Hong Eom

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15EEJae-Hong Eom, Sung-Chun Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang: AptaCDSS-E: A classifier ensemble-based clinical decision support system for cardiovascular disease level prediction. Expert Syst. Appl. 34(4): 2465-2479 (2008)
14EEJungWoo Ha, Jae-Hong Eom, Sung-Chun Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang: Evolutionary hypernetwork models for aptamer-based cardiovascular disease diagnosis. GECCO (Companion) 2007: 2709-2716
13EEJae-Hong Eom, Byoung-Tak Zhang: Prediction of Protein Interaction with Neural Network-Based Feature Association Rule Mining. ICONIP (3) 2006: 30-39
12EEJae-Hong Eom, Byoung-Tak Zhang: Mining Protein Interaction from Biomedical Literature with Relation Kernel Method. ISNN (2) 2006: 642-647
11EEJae-Hong Eom: Neural Feature Association Rule Mining for Protein Interaction Prediction. ISNN (2) 2006: 690-695
10EESun Kim, Jae-Hong Eom: Prediction of the Human Papillomavirus Risk Types Using Gap-Spectrum Kernels. ISNN (2) 2006: 710-715
9EEJae-Hong Eom, Sun Kim, Seong-Hwan Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang: A Tree Kernel-Based Method for Protein-Protein Interaction Mining from Biomedical Literature. KDLL 2006: 42-52
8EEJae-Hong Eom, Byoung-Tak Zhang: Prediction of Yeast Protein-Protein Interactions by Neural Feature Association Rule. ICANN (2) 2005: 491-496
7EEJae-Hong Eom, Byoung-Tak Zhang: Extraction of Gene/Protein Interaction from Text Documents with Relation Kernel. KES (2) 2005: 936-942
6EEJae-Hong Eom, Byoung-Tak Zhang: PubMiner: Machine Learning-Based Text Mining System for Biomedical Information Mining. AIMSA 2004: 216-225
5EEJae-Hong Eom, Byoung-Tak Zhang: BioPubMiner: Machine Learning Component-Based Biomedical Information Analysis Platform. CIT 2004: 11-20
4EEJae-Hong Eom, Byoung-Tak Zhang: Adaptive Neural Network-Based Clustering of Yeast Protein-Protein Interactions. CIT 2004: 49-57
3EEJae-Hong Eom, Seong-Bae Park, Byoung-Tak Zhang: Genetic Mining of DNA Sequence Structures for Effective Classification of the Risk Types of Human Papillomavirus (HPV). ICONIP 2004: 1334-1343
2EEJae-Hong Eom, Jeong Ho Chang, Byoung-Tak Zhang: Prediction of Implicit Protein-Protein Interaction by Optimal Associative Feature Mining. IDEAL 2004: 85-91
1EEDong-Ho Shin, Yu-Hwan Kim, Sun Kim, Jae-Hong Eom, Hyung-Joo Shin, Byoung-Tak Zhang: SCAI TREC-8 Experiments. TREC 1999

Coauthor Index

1Jeong Ho Chang [2]
2JungWoo Ha [14]
3Seong-Hwan Kim [9]
4Sun Kim [1] [9] [10]
5Sung-Chun Kim [14] [15]
6Yu-Hwan Kim [1]
7Seong-Bae Park [3]
8Dong-Ho Shin [1]
9Hyung-Joo Shin [1]
10Byoung-Tak Zhang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [12] [13] [14] [15]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)