
Anne C. Elster

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11EEJan Christian Meyer, Anne C. Elster: Latency Impact on Spin-Lock Algorithms for Modern Shared Memory Multiprocessors. CISIS 2008: 786-791
10EEAnne C. Elster, Otto J. Anshus: HPC Environments - Visualization and Parallelization Tools: Minisymposium Abstract. PARA 2006: 177
9EEJan Christian Meyer, Anne C. Elster: A Load Balancing Strategy for Computations on Large, Read-Only Data Sets. PARA 2006: 198-207
8EEThorvald Natvig, Anne C. Elster: Automatic and Transparent Optimizations of an Application's MPI Communication. PARA 2006: 208-217
7EEIngar Saltvik, Anne C. Elster, Henrik R. Nagel: Parallel Methods for Real-Time Visualization of Snow. PARA 2006: 218-227
6EEEinar M. R. Rosenvinge, Anne C. Elster, Cyril Banino: Online Task Scheduling on Heterogeneous Clusters: An Experimental Study. PARA 2004: 1141-1150
5 T. Vik, Anne C. Elster, T. Hallgren: Real-time Visualization of Smoke through Parallelization. PARCO 2003: 371-378
4 Otto J. Anshus, Anne C. Elster, Brian Vinter: Cluster Computing as a Teaching Tool. PARCO 2003: 887-894
3EEAnne C. Elster: High-Performance Computing: Past, Present, and Future. PARA 2002: 433-444
2EEPaul Sack, Anne C. Elster: Fast MPI Broadcasts through Reliable Multicasting. PARA 2002: 445-453
1 Anne C. Elster, Anthony P. Reeves: Fault-Tolerant Matrix Operations on Hypercube Multiprocessors. ICPP (3) 1989: 169-176

Coauthor Index

1Otto J. Anshus [4] [10]
2Cyril Banino-Rokkones (Cyril Banino) [6]
3T. Hallgren [5]
4Jan Christian Meyer [9] [11]
5Henrik R. Nagel [7]
6Thorvald Natvig [8]
7Anthony P. Reeves [1]
8Einar M. R. Rosenvinge [6]
9Paul Sack [2]
10Ingar Saltvik [7]
11T. Vik [5]
12Brian Vinter [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)