
Ayman Elnaggar

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9EEAyman Elnaggar, Mokhtar Aboelaze, Maan Musleh: A Call Admission Control Protocol for Multimedia Cellular Networks. JNW 3(8): 45-54 (2008)
8 Ayman Elnaggar, Mokhtar Aboelaze: Reducing Memory References for FFT Calculation. CDES 2006: 141-145
7 Mokhtar Aboelaze, Ayman Elnaggar: Performance Evaluation of a Call Admission Control Protocol for Cellular Networks. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2004: 505-508
6EEAyman Elnaggar, Mokhtar Aboelaze: A new recursive formulation for 2-D WHT. ISCAS (4) 2003: 484-487
5 Mokhtar Aboelaze, Adel Ben Mnaouer, Ayman Elnaggar: Dynamic Cell Allocation to Input Queues in a Combined I/O Buffered ATM Switch. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 521-527
4EEMokhtar Aboelaze, Ayman Elnaggar: The Performance of Ethernet under a Combined Data/Real-Time Traffic. LCN 2000: 349-
3 Ayman Elnaggar, Hussein M. Alnuweiri: A new multidimensional recursive architecture for computing the discrete cosine transform. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 10(1): 113-119 (2000)
2 Ayman Elnaggar, Hussein M. Alnuweiri, Mabo Robert Ito: Highly Parallel VLSI Architectures for Linear Convolution. ISCAS 1995: 1424-1427
1EEAyman Elnaggar: A Phrase Structure Grammar Of The Arabic Language. COLING 1990: 342-344

Coauthor Index

1Mokhtar Aboelaze [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
2Hussein M. Alnuweiri [2] [3]
3Mabo Robert Ito [2]
4Adel Ben Mnaouer [5]
5Maan Musleh [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)