Renee Elio
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2008 | ||
22 | EE | Francis Jeffry Pelletier, Renée Elio, Philip Hanson: Is Logic all in our Heads? From Naturalism to Psychologism. Studia Logica 88(1): 3-66 (2008) |
2005 | ||
21 | EE | Warren Blanchet, Eleni Stroulia, Renée Elio: Supporting Adaptive Web-Service Orchestration with an Agent Conversation Framework. ICWS 2005: 541-549 |
20 | EE | Warren Blanchet, Renée Elio, Eleni Stroulia: Conversation Errors in Web Service Coordination: Run-time Detection and Repair. Web Intelligence 2005: 442-449 |
19 | EE | Renée Elio, Anita Petrinjak: Normative Communication Models for Agent. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 11(3): 273-305 (2005) |
2003 | ||
18 | EE | Anita Petrinjak, Renée Elio: Understanding "Not-Understood": Towards an Ontology of Error Conditions for Agent Communication. Canadian Conference on AI 2003: 383-399 |
17 | EE | Francis Jeffry Pelletier, Renee Elio: Enumerating the Preconditions of Agent Message Types. Canadian Conference on AI 2003: 50-65 |
2000 | ||
16 | EE | Renee Elio, Afsaneh Haddadi, Ajit Singh: Abstract task specifications for conversation policies. Agents 2000: 229-230 |
15 | EE | Muhammad Afzal Upal, Renee Elio: Learning Rewrite Rules versus Search Control Rules to Improve Plan Quality. Canadian Conference on AI 2000: 240-253 |
14 | Renee Elio, Afsaneh Haddadi: On Abstract Models and Conversation Policies. Issues in Agent Communication 2000: 301-313 | |
13 | Renee Elio, Afsaneh Haddadi, Ajit Singh: Task Models, Intentions, and Agent Conversation Policies. PRICAI 2000: 394-403 | |
1999 | ||
12 | EE | Pat Langley, Cynthia A. Thompson, Renee Elio, Afsaneh Haddadi: An Adaptive Conversational Interface for Destination Advice. CIA 1999: 347-364 |
11 | Muhammad Afzal Upal, Renee Elio: Learning Rationales to Improve Plan Quality for Partial Order Planners. FLAIRS Conference 1999: 371-377 | |
1997 | ||
10 | Renee Elio, Francis Jeffry Pelletier: Belief Change as Propositional Update. Cognitive Science 21(4): 419-460 (1997) | |
9 | Francis Jeffry Pelletier, Renee Elio: What Should Default Reasoning Be, by Default? Computational Intelligence 13(2): 165-187 (1997) | |
1994 | ||
8 | Renee Elio, Kui Lin: Simulation Models of the Influence of Learning Mode and Training Variance on Category Learning. Cognitive Science 18(2): 185-219 (1994) | |
1992 | ||
7 | EE | Peternela B. Scharf, Vera S. Sanger, Renee Elio: Corporate Perspectives on Technology Transfer: The Expert-Systems Apprenticeship Program. IEEE Expert 7(3): 6-14 (1992) |
1991 | ||
6 | Renee Elio, Larry Watanabe: An Incremental Deductive Strategy for Controlling Constructive Induction in Learning from Examples. Machine Learning 7: 7-44 (1991) | |
1990 | ||
5 | Renee Elio, Peternela B. Scharf: Modeling Novice-to-Expert Shifts in Problem-Solving Strategy and Knowledge Organization. Cognitive Science 14(4): 579-639 (1990) | |
1987 | ||
4 | Larry Watanabe, Renee Elio: Guiding Constructive Induction for Incremental Learning from Examples. IJCAI 1987: 293-296 | |
1986 | ||
3 | Renee Elio: Representation of Similar Well-Learned Cognitive Procedures. Cognitive Science 10(1): 41-73 (1986) | |
2 | Renee Elio, Johannes de Haan: Representing Quantitative and Qualitative Knowledge in a Knowledge-Based Storm-Forecasting System. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 25(5): 523-547 (1986) | |
1985 | ||
1 | Renee Elio, Johannes de Haan: Knowledge Representation in an Expert Storm Forecasting System. IJCAI 1985: 400-406 |
1 | Warren Blanchet | [20] [21] |
2 | Johannes de Haan | [1] [2] |
3 | Afsaneh Haddadi | [12] [13] [14] [16] |
4 | Philip Hanson | [22] |
5 | Pat Langley | [12] |
6 | Kui Lin | [8] |
7 | Francis Jeffry Pelletier | [9] [10] [17] [22] |
8 | Anita Petrinjak | [18] [19] |
9 | Vera S. Sanger | [7] |
10 | Peternela B. Scharf | [5] [7] |
11 | Ajit Singh | [13] [16] |
12 | Eleni Stroulia | [20] [21] |
13 | Cynthia A. Thompson | [12] |
14 | Muhammad Afzal Upal | [11] [15] |
15 | Larry Watanabe | [4] [6] |