2006 |
6 | EE | Hans-Heino Ehricke,
Uwe Klose,
Wolfgang Grodd:
Visualizing MR diffusion tensor fields by dynamic fiber tracking and uncertainty mapping.
Computers & Graphics 30(2): 255-264 (2006) |
1995 |
5 | EE | Thomas De Araujo Buck,
Hans-Heino Ehricke,
Wolfgang Straßer,
Lennart Thurfjell:
3-D segmentation of medical structures by integration of raycasting with anatomic knowledge.
Computers & Graphics 19(3): 441-449 (1995) |
1994 |
4 | EE | Hans-Heino Ehricke,
Klaus Donner,
Walter Koller,
Wolfgang Straßer:
Visualization of vasculature from volume data.
Computers & Graphics 18(3): 395-406 (1994) |
1993 |
3 | | Hans-Heino Ehricke:
Navigation Through Volume Data by Active Vision Methods.
Graphics and Robotics 1993: 221-228 |
2 | | Hans-Heino Ehricke,
G. Daiber,
Wolfgang Straßer:
The Vision Camera: An Interactive Tool for Volume Data Exploration and Navigation.
IEEE Visualization 1993: 25-31 |
1990 |
1 | | Regine Auer,
Hans-Heino Ehricke:
Regelbasierte Segmentierung von 3D-Datensätzen der Kernspintomographie.
DAGM-Symposium 1990: 484-492 |