
Patrick C. F. Eggers

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8EEChenguang Lu, Frank H. P. Fitzek, Patrick C. F. Eggers: Cooperative Spatial Reuse with Transmit Beamforming in Multi-rate Wireless Networks. JCM 4(1): 26-33 (2009)
7EEChenguang Lu, Frank H. P. Fitzek, Patrick C. F. Eggers: Cooperative Spatial Reuse with Transmit Beamforming. VTC Fall 2007: 1623-1627
6EEPersefoni Kyritsi, Petar Popovski, Patrick C. F. Eggers, Yuanye Wang, Danish Ahmed Khan, Anne-Lise Bouaziz, Beatrice Pietrarca, Giovanni Sasso: Cooperative Transmission: A Reality Check Using Experimental Data. VTC Spring 2007: 2281-2285
5EEPatrick C. F. Eggers, T. W. C. Brown, Kim Olesen, Gert Frølund Pedersen: Assessment of Capacity Support and Scattering in Experimental High Speed Vehicle to Vehicle MIMO Links. VTC Spring 2007: 466-470
4EEXin Zhou, Persefoni Kyritsi, Patrick C. F. Eggers, Frank H. P. Fitzek: "The Medium is The Message": Secure Communication via Waveform Coding in MIMO Systems. VTC Spring 2007: 491-495
3EEPersefoni Kyritsi, Patrick C. F. Eggers, Romail Gall, Joao Mota Lourenco: Measurement Based Investigation of Cooperative Relaying. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
2EEHung Tuan Nguyen, Jørgen Bach Andersen, Gert Frølund Pedersen, Persefoni Kyritsi, Patrick C. F. Eggers: Time reversal in wireless communications: a measurement-based investigation. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(8): 2242-2252 (2006)
1 Patrick C. F. Eggers, Jorn Toftgård, Alex M. Oprea: Antenna Systems for Base Station Diversity in Urban Small and Micro Cells. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(7): 1046-1057 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Jørgen Bach Andersen [2]
2Anne-Lise Bouaziz [6]
3T. W. C. Brown [5]
4Frank H. P. Fitzek [4] [7] [8]
5Romail Gall [3]
6Danish Ahmed Khan [6]
7Persefoni Kyritsi [2] [3] [4] [6]
8Joao Mota Lourenco [3]
9Chenguang Lu [7] [8]
10Hung Tuan Nguyen [2]
11Kim Olesen [5]
12Alex M. Oprea [1]
13Gert Frølund Pedersen [2] [5]
14Beatrice Pietrarca [6]
15Petar Popovski [6]
16Giovanni Sasso [6]
17Jorn Toftgård [1]
18Yuanye Wang [6]
19Xin Zhou [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)