
Einar Edvardsen

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4 Einar Edvardsen, Thor Gunnar Eskedal, André Årnes: Open Access Networks. INTERWORKING 2002: 91-107
3EEEinar Edvardsen: Broadband over Inverse Multiplexed xDSL Modems. INTERWORKING 2000: 348-356
2EEEinar Edvardsen: The Telco's Goldmine - 50 Mb/s to the General Public over the Local Telephone Lines. Flexible Working - New Network Technologies 1999: 203-214
1 Einar Edvardsen: Real Broadband Access over Twisted Pair Networks. SYBEN 1998: 76-86

Coauthor Index

1André Årnes [4]
2Thor Gunnar Eskedal [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)