
Claudia M. Eckert

Claudia Eckert

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55EEFrederic Stumpf, Claudia Eckert, Shane Balfe: Towards Secure E-Commerce Based on Virtualization and Attestation Techniques. ARES 2008: 376-382
54EESascha Müller, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Claudia Eckert: Distributed Attribute-Based Encryption. ICISC 2008: 20-36
53EEFrederic Stumpf, Claudia Eckert: Enhancing Trusted Platform Modules with Hardware-Based Virtualization Techniques. SECURWARE 2008: 1-9
52EEFrederic Stumpf, Andreas Fuchs, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Claudia Eckert: Improving the scalability of platform attestation. STC 2008: 1-10
51EELars Fischer, Claudia Eckert: 506 Ways to Track Your Lover. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
50EEChristoph Krauß, Markus Schneider, Claudia Eckert: Defending against false-endorsement-based dos attacks in wireless sensor networks. WISEC 2008: 13-23
49EELars Fischer, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Claudia Eckert: Measuring unlinkability revisited. WPES 2008: 105-110
48EEChristoph Krauß, Markus Schneider, Claudia Eckert: An Enhanced Scheme to Defend against False-Endorsement-Based DoS Attacks in WSNs. WiMob 2008: 586-591
47EEChristoph Krauß, Markus Schneider, Kpatcha M. Bayarou, Claudia Eckert: STEF: A Secure Ticket-Based En-route Filtering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. ARES 2007: 310-317
46EEPatrick Röder, Omid Tafreschi, Claudia Eckert: History-based access control for XML documents. ASIACCS 2007: 386-388
45EEFrederic Stumpf, Michael Benz, Martin Hermanowski, Claudia Eckert: An Approach to a Trustworthy System Architecture Using Virtualization. ATC 2007: 191-202
44EETaufiq Rochaeli, Claudia Eckert: Using patterns paradigm to refine workflow policies. DEXA Workshops 2007: 760-764
43EETaufiq Rochaeli, Claudia Eckert: Model Checking of Restricted CTL* Formulas using ALCK. Description Logics 2007
42EEChristoph Krauß, Frederic Stumpf, Claudia M. Eckert: Detecting Node Compromise in Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks Using Attestation Techniques. ESAS 2007: 203-217
41EEPatrick Röder, Omid Tafreschi, Fredrik Mellgren, Claudia M. Eckert: A System Architecture for History-Based Access Control for XML Documents. ICICS 2007: 362-374
40EEPatrick Röder, Omid Tafreschi, Claudia Eckert: On Flexible Modeling of History-Based Access Control Policies for XML Documents. KES (3) 2007: 1090-1097
39EETaufiq Rochaeli, Claudia Eckert: Expertise Knowledge-Based Policy Refinement Process. POLICY 2007: 61-65
38EEThomas Buntrock, Hans-Christian Esperer, Claudia Eckert: Situation-Based Policy Enforcement. TrustBus 2007: 190-200
37EEFrederic Stumpf, Patrick Röder, Claudia Eckert: An Architecture Providing Virtualization-Based Protection Mechanisms Against Insider Attacks. WISA 2007: 142-156
36 Omid Tafreschi, Dominique Maehler, Janina Fengel, Michael Rebstock, Claudia Eckert: A Reputation System for Electronic Negotiations. WOSIS 2007: 53-62
35EETomás L. Flanagan, Claudia Eckert, P. John Clarkson: Externalizing tacit overview knowledge: A model-based approach to supporting design teams. AI EDAM 21(3): 227-242 (2007)
34EEThomas Stibor, Jonathan Timmis, Claudia Eckert: On Permutation Masks in Hamming Negative Selection. ICARIS 2006: 122-135
33EEThomas Stibor, Jonathan Timmis, Claudia Eckert: On the Use of Hyperspheres in Artificial Immune Systems as Antibody Recognition Regions. ICARIS 2006: 215-228
32EERené Keller, Tomás L. Flanagan, Claudia M. Eckert, P. John Clarkson: Two sides of the story: Visualising Products and Processes in Engineering Design. IV 2006: 362-367
31EEClaudia M. Eckert, Ellen Yi-Luen Do: Special Issue: Understanding, representing, and reasoning about style. AI EDAM 20(3): 163-165 (2006)
30EEAnja M. Maier, Claudia M. Eckert, P. John Clarkson: Identifying requirements for communication support: A maturity grid-inspired approach. Expert Syst. Appl. 31(4): 663-672 (2006)
29EERené Keller, Claudia Eckert, P. John Clarkson: Matrices or node-link diagrams: which visual representation is better for visualising connectivity models? Information Visualization 5(1): 62-76 (2006)
28EEThomas Stibor, Claudia Eckert, Jonathan Timmis: Artificial Immune Systems for IT-Security (Künstliche Immunsysteme für IT-Sicherheit). it - Information Technology 48(3): 168-173 (2006)
27EEThomas Stibor, Jonathan Timmis, Claudia M. Eckert: On the appropriateness of negative selection defined over Hamming shape-space as a network intrusion detection system. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 995-1002
26EETaufiq Rochaeli, Claudia Eckert: Attack Goal Generation Using Description Logic-based Knowledge Representation. Description Logics 2005
25EEThomas Stibor, Philipp H. Mohr, Jonathan Timmis, Claudia Eckert: Is negative selection appropriate for anomaly detection? GECCO 2005: 321-328
24EEThomas Stibor, Jonathan Timmis, Claudia Eckert: A Comparative Study of Real-Valued Negative Selection to Statistical Anomaly Detection Techniques. ICARIS 2005: 262-275
23EEClaudia Eckert: Security Issues of Mobile Devices. SPC 2005: 163
22 Kpatcha M. Bayarou, Sebastian Rohr, Claudia Eckert: Interworking von UMTS und LAN: Eine sicherheitstechnische Betrachtung. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze 2004: 413-432
21 Claudia Eckert: Technologie-Entwicklungen und Probleme auf dem Weg zum Future Net. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze 2004: 433-450
20EETimothy Jarratt, René Keller, Seena Nair, Claudia Eckert, P. John Clarkson: Visualization Techniques for Product Change and Product Modelling in Complex Design. Diagrams 2004: 388-391
19EEThomas Stibor, Kpatcha M. Bayarou, Claudia Eckert: An Investigation of R-Chunk Detector Generation on Higher Alphabets. GECCO (1) 2004: 299-307
18EEUlrich Waldmann, Dirk Scheuermann, Claudia Eckert: Protected transmission of biometric user authentication data for oncard-matching. SAC 2004: 425-430
17EEClaudia Eckert, Kpatcha M. Bayarou, Sebastian Rohr: NGN, All-IP, B3G: Enabler für das Future Net?!: Überblick über Entwicklungen im Bereich zukünftiger Netze. Informatik Spektrum 27(1): 12-34 (2004)
16EEDavid Wynn, Claudia Eckert, P. John Clarkson: Planning Business Processes in Product Development Organizations. CAiSE Workshops 2003
15EEClaudia Eckert, Jean-François Boujut: The Role of Objects in Design Co-Operation: Communication through Physical or Virtual Objects. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 12(2): 145-151 (2003)
14EEMartin Stacey, Claudia Eckert: Against Ambiguity. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 12(2): 153-183 (2003)
13 Claudia Eckert, A. Pircher: Internet Anonymity: Problems and Solutions. SEC 2001: 35-50
12 Claudia Eckert: The Communication Bottleneck in Knitwear Design: Analysis and Computing Solutions. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 10(1): 29-74 (2001)
11EEUwe Baumgarten, Claudia Eckert, Harald Görl: Trust and confidence in open systems: does security harmonize with mobility? ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2000: 133-138
10EEP. John Clarkson, Andres Melo, Claudia Eckert: Visualization of Routes in Design Process Planning. IV 2000: 155-164
9 Claudia Eckert, Florian Erhard, Johannes Geiger: GSFS - A New Group-Aware Cryptographic File System. SEC 2000: 221-230
8EEClaudia Eckert, Ian Kelly, Martin Stacey: Interactive generative systems for conceptual design: An empirical perspective. AI EDAM 13(4): 303-320 (1999)
7EEClaudia Eckert, Markus Pizka: Improving Resource Management in Distributed Systems using Language-Level Structuring Concepts. The Journal of Supercomputing 13(1): 33-55 (1999)
6EEMarkus Pizka, Claudia Eckert: A Language-Based Approach to Construct Structured and Efficient. HICSS (1) 1997: 130-139
5 Markus Pizka, Claudia Eckert, Sascha Groh: Evolving Software Tools for New Distributed Computing Environments. PDPTA 1997: 87-96
4 Claudia Eckert, D. Marek: Developing secure applications: a systematic approach. SEC 1997: 267-279
3 Claudia Eckert, Th. Stoesslein: MVS-SAT: a security administration tool to support SMF protocol data evaluation. SEC 1997: 363-374
2 Claudia Eckert: On security models. SEC 1996: 485-486
1 Claudia Eckert, Martin Stacey: CAD Systems and the Division of Labour in Knitwear Design. Woman, Work and Computerization 1994: 409-422

Coauthor Index

1Shane Balfe [55]
2Uwe Baumgarten [11]
3Kpatcha M. Bayarou [17] [19] [22] [47]
4Michael Benz [45]
5Jean-François Boujut [15]
6Thomas Buntrock [38]
7P. John Clarkson [10] [16] [20] [29] [30] [32] [35]
8Ellen Yi-Luen Do [31]
9Florian Erhard [9]
10Hans-Christian Esperer [38]
11Janina Fengel [36]
12Lars Fischer [49] [51]
13Tomás L. Flanagan [32] [35]
14Andreas Fuchs [52]
15Johannes Geiger [9]
16Harald Görl [11]
17Sascha Groh [5]
18Martin Hermanowski [45]
19Timothy Jarratt [20]
20Stefan Katzenbeisser [49] [52] [54]
21René Keller [20] [29] [32]
22Ian Kelly [8]
23Christoph Krauß [42] [47] [48] [50]
24Dominique Maehler [36]
25Anja M. Maier [30]
26D. Marek [4]
27Fredrik Mellgren [41]
28Andres Melo [10]
29Philipp H. Mohr [25]
30Sascha Müller [54]
31Seena Nair [20]
32A. Pircher [13]
33Markus Pizka [5] [6] [7]
34Michael Rebstock [36]
35Taufiq Rochaeli [26] [39] [43] [44]
36Patrick Röder [37] [40] [41] [46]
37Sebastian Rohr [17] [22]
38Dirk Scheuermann [18]
39Markus Schneider [47] [48] [50]
40Martin Stacey [1] [8] [14]
41Thomas Stibor [19] [24] [25] [27] [28] [33] [34]
42Th. Stoesslein [3]
43Frederic Stumpf [37] [42] [45] [52] [53] [55]
44Omid Tafreschi [36] [40] [41] [46]
45Jonathan Timmis (Jon Timmis) [24] [25] [27] [28] [33] [34]
46Ulrich Waldmann [18]
47David Wynn [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)