
Uwe Baumgarten

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15EERobert Schmohl, Uwe Baumgarten: The Contextual Map - A Context Model for Detecting Affinity between Contexts. MOBILWARE 2009: 171-184
14 Wolfgang Haberl, Jan Birke, Uwe Baumgarten: A Middleware for Model-Based Embedded Systems. ESA 2008: 253-259
13 Ulrich Dümichen, Uwe Baumgarten: Behavior of Bluetooth Bridging Nodes within an Adaptive Service Providing Environment. ICWN 2008: 423-429
12 Robert Schmohl, Uwe Baumgarten: Heterogeneity in Mobile Computing Environmens. ICWN 2008: 461-467
11 Ulrich Dümichen, Uwe Baumgarten: Approaches to an Adaptive Middleware for Mobile Services. IMECS 2007: 1214-1220
10 Robert Schmohl, Uwe Baumgarten, Lars Köthner: Content Adaptation for Heterogeneous Mobile Devices using web-based Mobile Services. MoMM 2007: 77-86
9 Ulrich Dümichen, Uwe Baumgarten: Aspects for Forming Structured Bluetooth Based Scatternets. PDPTA 2007: 571-577
8 Robert Schmohl, Uwe Baumgarten: Mobile Services Based on Client-Server or P2P Architectures facing Issues of Context-Awareness and Heterogeneous. PDPTA 2007: 578-586
7EEMichael Dinkel, Uwe Baumgarten: Modeling nonfunctional requirements: a basis for dynamic systems management. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-8 (2005)
6EEUwe Baumgarten, Claudia Eckert, Harald Görl: Trust and confidence in open systems: does security harmonize with mobility? ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2000: 133-138
5 Uwe Baumgarten: Schrittweise Verfeinerung von Konzepten - Konstruktion Verteilter Systeme am Beispiel OlDiLa und Mach. ARCS 1992: 262-273
4 Uwe Baumgarten: Distributed Systems and Ada - Current Projects and Approaches Comparative Study's Results. Ada-Europe 1991: 260-278
3 Uwe Baumgarten, Peter Paul Spies, R. Kewitz, D. König: Werkzeuge zur Entwicklung verteilter Systeme. GI Jahrestagung (2) 1988: 589-602
2 Uwe Baumgarten: Semantics of Communication Concepts for Distributed Systems - a Comparison by Means of Place/ Transition Nets. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1987: 763-775
1 Uwe Baumgarten: Verwendungsschnittstellen zur Beschreibung modulstrukturierter, verteilter Systeme und ihr Einsatz beim Entwurf. ARCS 1986: 233-242

Coauthor Index

1Jan Birke [14]
2Michael Dinkel [7]
3Ulrich Dümichen [9] [11] [13]
4Claudia M. Eckert (Claudia Eckert) [6]
5Harald Görl [6]
6Wolfgang Haberl [14]
7R. Kewitz [3]
8D. König [3]
9Lars Köthner [10]
10Robert Schmohl [8] [10] [12] [15]
11Peter Paul Spies [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)