
Juan Echagüe

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6EEJuan Echagüe, Jesús E. Villadangos, Vicent Cholvi, Manuel Prieto: Transforming general networks into feed-forward by using turn-prohibition. Computer Communications 31(9): 1824-1831 (2008)
5EEVicent Cholvi, Juan Echagüe: Stability of FIFO networks under adversarial models: State of the art. Computer Networks 51(15): 4460-4474 (2007)
4EEJuan Echagüe, Vicent Cholvi: Worst case burstiness increase due to arbitrary aggregate multiplexing. VALUETOOLS 2006: 10
3EEJuan Echagüe, Manuel Prieto, Jesús E. Villadangos, Vicent Cholvi: A Distributed Algorithm to Provide QoS by Avoiding Cycles in Routes. QofIS 2004: 224-236
2 Vicent Cholvi, Juan Echagüe, Jean-Yves Le Boudec: Worst case burstiness increase due to FIFO multiplexing. Perform. Eval. 49(1/4): 491-506 (2002)
1EEJuan Echagüe, Joan Vila i Carbó, Alfons Crespo: Providing Generalized Rate Monotonic Scheduling Theory to I/O Abstractions over Timed Token Protocol MAC Networks. ICECCS 1996: 107-

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Yves Le Boudec [2]
2Joan Vila i Carbó [1]
3Vicent Cholvi (Vicent Cholvi-Juan) [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Alfons Crespo [1]
5Manuel Prieto (Manuel Prieto-Matías) [3] [6]
6Jesús E. Villadangos [3] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)