
Charles Earl

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3EECharles Earl, Emilio Remolina, Jim Ong, John Brown: Distributed Troubleshooting Agents. ICAC 2005: 365-366
2EECharles Earl, Emilio Remolina, Jim Ong, John Brown, Chris Kuszmaul, Brad Stone: ABHA: A Framework for Autonomic Job Recovery. DSOM 2004: 259-262
1 Charles Earl, R. James Firby: Combined Execution and Monitoring for Control of Autonomous Agents. Agents 1997: 88-95

Coauthor Index

1John Brown [2] [3]
2R. James Firby [1]
3Chris Kuszmaul [2]
4Jim Ong [2] [3]
5Emilio Remolina [2] [3]
6Brad Stone [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)