
David B. Dunson

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5EEQi An, Chunping Wang, Ivo Shterev, Eric Wang, Lawrence Carin, David B. Dunson: Hierarchical kernel stick-breaking process for multi-task image analysis. ICML 2008: 17-24
4EEYuting Qi, Dehong Liu, David B. Dunson, Lawrence Carin: Multi-task compressive sensing with Dirichlet process priors. ICML 2008: 768-775
3EELu Ren, David B. Dunson, Lawrence Carin: The dynamic hierarchical Dirichlet process. ICML 2008: 824-831
2EEYa Xue, David B. Dunson, Lawrence Carin: The matrix stick-breaking process for flexible multi-task learning. ICML 2007: 1063-1070
1EEKai Ni, Lawrence Carin, David B. Dunson: Multi-task learning for sequential data via iHMMs and the nested Dirichlet process. ICML 2007: 689-696

Coauthor Index

1Qi An [5]
2Lawrence Carin [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Dehong Liu [4]
4Kai Ni [1]
5Yuting Qi [4]
6Lu Ren [3]
7Ivo Shterev [5]
8Chunping Wang [5]
9Eric Wang [5]
10Ya Xue [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)