
Christophe Dugas

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2EEMischa Dohler, Dominique Barthel, Florence Maraninchi, Laurent Mounier, Stephane Aubert, Christophe Dugas, Aurélien Buhrig, Franck Paugnat, Marc Renaudin, Andrzej Duda, Martin Heusse, Fabrice Valois: The ARESA Project: Facilitating Research, Development and Commercialization of WSNs. SECON 2007: 590-599
1EEChristophe Dugas: Configuring and managing a large-scale monitoring network: solving real world challenges for ultra-low-powered and long-range wireless mesh networks. Int. Journal of Network Management 15(4): 269-282 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Stephane Aubert [2]
2Dominique Barthel [2]
3Aurélien Buhrig [2]
4Mischa Dohler [2]
5Andrzej Duda [2]
6Martin Heusse [2]
7Florence Maraninchi [2]
8Laurent Mounier [2]
9Franck Paugnat [2]
10Marc Renaudin [2]
11Fabrice Valois [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)