
Yves Ducq

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4EEYves Ducq, Bruno Vallespir: Reference Models for Mass Customisation Production of High Fashionable Products: Application to the Shoe Manufacturing Domain. APMS 2006: 165-173
3EEYves Ducq, David Chen, Bruno Vallespir: Interoperability in enterprise modelling: requirements and roadmap. Advanced Engineering Informatics 18(4): 193-203 (2004)
2 Guy Doumeingts, Yves Ducq: Production management: which future?. APMS 1996: 18-28
1 Guy Doumeingts, François Marcotte, Yves Ducq: A Methodology to Evaluate the Best Industrial Practices in the Frame of the IMS Programme: GLOBEMAN 21. Production Management Methods 1994: 19-29

Coauthor Index

1David Chen [3]
2Guy Doumeingts [1] [2]
3François Marcotte [1]
4Bruno Vallespir [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)