
Guy Doumeingts

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17EEPhilippe Girard, Guy Doumeingts: GRAI-Engineering: a method to model, design and run engineering design departments. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17(8): 716-732 (2004)
16 David Chen, Guy Doumeingts: Basic Concepts And Approaches To Develop Interoperability Of Enterprise Applications. PRO-VE 2003: 323-330
15 Bruno Vallespir, David Chen, Guy Doumeingts: Argumentation for Explicit Representation of Control with Enterprise Modelling and Integration. ICEIMT 2002: 417-424
14 S. Kleinhans, Bruno Vallespir, Guy Doumeingts: A rule-based support system to make or buy decision. Strategic Management of the Manufacturing Value Chain 1998: 391-400
13 Guy Doumeingts, Yves Ducq: Production management: which future?. APMS 1996: 18-28
12 Guy Doumeingts, François Marcotte, Yves Ducq: A Methodology to Evaluate the Best Industrial Practices in the Frame of the IMS Programme: GLOBEMAN 21. Production Management Methods 1994: 19-29
11 Guy Doumeingts, David Chen, Bruno Vallespir, P. Fénié, François Marcotte: GIM (GRAI Integrated Methodology) and its Evolutions - A Methodology to Design and Specify Advanced Manufacturing Systems. DIISM 1993: 101-120
10 Theodore J. Williams, Peter Bernus, J. Brosvic, David Chen, Guy Doumeingts, Laszlo Nemes, James L. Nevins, Bruno Vallespir, Jakob Vlietstra, D. Zoetekouw: Architectures for Integrating Manufacturing Activities and Enterprises. DIISM 1993: 3-18
9 Guy Doumeingts, Nani Ould Wane, Philippe Girard, François Marcotte: Architecture and Methodology for Concurrent Engineering. Towards World Class Manufacturing 1993: 165-177
8 Theodore J. Williams, Peter Bernus, J. Brosvic, David Chen, Guy Doumeingts, Laszlo Nemes, James L. Nevins, Bruno Vallespir, Jakob Vlietstra, D. Zoetekouw: Architectures for Integrating Manufacturing Activities and Enterprises. Towards World Class Manufacturing 1993: 181-194
7 Guy Doumeingts, David Chen: State-of-the-Art on Models, Architectures and Methods for CIM Systems Design. PROLAMAT 1992: 27-40
6 Jimmie Browne, Guy Doumeingts, C. Berard: Production Activity Control and SIPA PLUS. PROLAMAT 1992: 909-916
5 Guy Doumeingts: Address of the Chairman of the IFIP Working Group 5.7. One-Of-A-Kind Production 1991: 1-2
4 Guy Doumeingts: "Round Table": One-of-a-Kind Production - Potential Evolution. One-Of-A-Kind Production 1991: 393-400
3 Guy Doumeingts: System Analysis Techniques. Computer-Aided Production Management 1988: 201-224
2 Guy Doumeingts: Production Management Systems - Response. IFIP Congress 1986: 1149-1156
1 Guy Doumeingts: Methodology to Design Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Control of Manufacturing Units. Methods and Tools for Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1983: 194-265

Coauthor Index

1C. Berard [6]
2Peter Bernus [8] [10]
3J. Brosvic [8] [10]
4Jimmie Browne [6]
5David Chen [7] [8] [10] [11] [15] [16]
6Yves Ducq [12] [13]
7P. Fénié [11]
8Philippe Girard [9] [17]
9S. Kleinhans [14]
10François Marcotte [9] [11] [12]
11Laszlo Nemes [8] [10]
12James L. Nevins [8] [10]
13Bruno Vallespir [8] [10] [11] [14] [15]
14Jakob Vlietstra [8] [10]
15Nani Ould Wane [9]
16Theodore J. Williams [8] [10]
17D. Zoetekouw [8] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)