
Dmitri A. Dolgov

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16EEJames A. Hendler, Philipp Cimiano, Dmitri A. Dolgov, Anat Levin, Peter Mika, Brian Milch, Louis-Philippe Morency, Boris Motik, Jennifer Neville, Erik B. Sudderth, Luis von Ahn: AI's 10 to Watch. IEEE Intelligent Systems 23(3): 9-19 (2008)
15EEDmitri A. Dolgov, Michael R. James, Michael E. Samples: Combinatorial resource scheduling for multiagent MDPs. AAMAS 2007: 201
14EEMichael R. James, Michael E. Samples, Dmitri A. Dolgov: Improving Anytime Point-Based Value Iteration Using Principled Point Selections. IJCAI 2007: 865-870
13EEDmitri A. Dolgov, Edmund H. Durfee: Resource allocation among agents with preferences induced by factored MDPs. AAMAS 2006: 297-304
12EEDmitri A. Dolgov, Edmund H. Durfee: Symmetric approximate linear programming for factored MDPs with application to constrained problems. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 47(3-4): 273-293 (2006)
11EEDmitri A. Dolgov, Edmund H. Durfee: Resource Allocation Among Agents with MDP-Induced Preferences. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 27: 505-549 (2006)
10 Dmitri A. Dolgov, Edmund H. Durfee: Towards Exploiting Duality in Approximate Linear Programming for MDPs. AAAI 2005: 1606-1607
9EEDmitri A. Dolgov, Edmund H. Durfee: Computationally-efficient combinatorial auctions for resource allocation in weakly-coupled MDPs. AAMAS 2005: 657-664
8 Dmitri A. Dolgov, Kenneth P. Laberteaux: Defective metal end detection with a fuzzy system. ICINCO 2005: 275-278
7EEDmitri A. Dolgov, Edmund H. Durfee: Stationary Deterministic Policies for Constrained MDPs with Multiple Rewards, Costs, and Discount Factors. IJCAI 2005: 1326-1331
6EEDmitri A. Dolgov, Edmund H. Durfee: Graphical Models in Local, Asymmetric Multi-Agent Markov Decision Processes. AAMAS 2004: 956-963
5EEDmitri A. Dolgov, Edmund H. Durfee: Approximate Probabilistic Constraints and Risk-Sensitive Optimization Criteria in Markov Decision Processes. AMAI 2004
4 Dmitri A. Dolgov, Edmund H. Durfee: Optimal Resource Allocation and Policy Formulation in Loosely-Coupled Markov Decision Processes. ICAPS 2004: 315-324
3EEDmitri A. Dolgov, Edmund H. Durfee: Constructing optimal policies for agents with constrained architectures. AAMAS 2003: 974-975
2 Dmitri A. Dolgov, Edmund H. Durfee: Approximating Optimal Policies for Agents with Limited Execution Resources. IJCAI 2003: 1107-1112
1EEDmitri A. Dolgov, Edmund H. Durfee: Satisficing strategies for resource-limited policy search in dynamic environments. AAMAS 2002: 1325-1332

Coauthor Index

1Luis von Ahn [16]
2Philipp Cimiano [16]
3Edmund H. Durfee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
4James A. Hendler (Jim Hendler) [16]
5Michael R. James [14] [15]
6Kenneth P. Laberteaux [8]
7Anat Levin [16]
8Peter Mika [16]
9Brian Milch [16]
10Louis-Philippe Morency [16]
11Boris Motik [16]
12Jennifer Neville [16]
13Michael E. Samples [14] [15]
14Erik B. Sudderth [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)