
Mahesh H. Dodani

Mahesh Dodani

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30EEMahesh H. Dodani: The Architecture of Business. Journal of Object Technology 7(4): 43-50 (2008)
29EEMahesh H. Dodani: Where's the (Business) Beef? Journal of Object Technology 6(1): (2007)
28EEMahesh H. Dodani: Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave! Journal of Object Technology 6(3): (2007)
27EEMahesh H. Dodani: Situational Teams. Journal of Object Technology 6(4): (2007)
26EEMahesh H. Dodani: Who Took the Cookie from the Cookie Jar? Journal of Object Technology 5(4): 23-28 (2006)
25EEMahesh H. Dodani: Patterns of Anti-Patterns. Journal of Object Technology 5(6): (2006)
24EEMahesh H. Dodani: SOA 2006: State Of The Art. Journal of Object Technology 5(8): (2006)
23EEMahesh H. Dodani: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Whose SOA is the Best of them All? Journal of Object Technology 4(5): 66-74 (2005)
22EEMahesh H. Dodani: Confessions of a Service-Oriented Abuser. Journal of Object Technology 4(7): 19-24 (2005)
21EEMahesh H. Dodani: A Reuse Parable. Journal of Object Technology 3(1): 77-82 (2004)
20EEMahesh H. Dodani: Where's the SOA Beef? Journal of Object Technology 3(10): 41-46 (2004)
19EEMahesh H. Dodani: Harvesting Reusable Assets. Journal of Object Technology 3(3): 43-48 (2004)
18EEMahesh H. Dodani: Open Source Reusable Assets. Journal of Object Technology 3(5): 45-50 (2004)
17EEMahesh H. Dodani: From Objects to Services: A Journey in Search of Component Reuse Nirvana. Journal of Object Technology 3(8): 49-54 (2004)
16EEMahesh Dodani: Don't Rip and Replace, Integrate! Journal of Object Technology 2(1): 23-31 (2003)
15EEMahesh Dodani: Pattern Driven Solution Engineering. Journal of Object Technology 2(2): 27-33 (2003)
14EEMahesh Dodani: Don't Rip and Replace, Integrate! Journal of Object Technology 2(3): 23-31 (2003)
13EEMahesh H. Dodani: The Best Practice Promise and Myth. Journal of Object Technology 2(4): 65-68 (2003)
12EEMahesh Dodani: Objects are for Wimps: Real Developers need S.O.S. Journal of Object Technology 1(2): 55-61 (2002)
11EEMahesh Dodani: The Dark Side of Object Learning: Learning Objects. Journal of Object Technology 1(5): 37-42 (2002)
10 Mahesh Dodani: OO Learning AntiPatterns: Rewiring Data and Functional Thinkers into Object Technology Developers. JOOP 11(8): 59-63 (1999)
9 Mahesh Dodani: Formal Methods for Object-Oriented Software Engineering. Ann. Software Eng. 2: 121-160 (1996)
8 Mahesh Dodani: Object-Oriented Methodologies in Practice: The ``Big Picture''. JOOP 9(1): 26-29 (1996)
7 Mahesh Dodani: Object-Oriented Shock Therapy. JOOP 9(4): 17-19 (1996)
6EEMahesh Dodani, Chung-Shin Tsai: A reliable and flexible type system for object-oriented programming. Object Oriented Systems 3: 87-121 (1996)
5 Helen Sharp, Mary Lynn Manns, Phil McLaughlin, Maximo Prieto, Mahesh Dodani: Pedagogical Patterns - Success in Teaching Object Technology, A Workshop from OOPSLA '96. SIGPLAN Notices 31(12): 18-21 (1996)
4 Mahesh Dodani: Formal Methods for Software Engineering. CSEE 1994: 597-597
3 Mahesh Dodani: Specification techniques for object-oriented software (abstract). OOPS Messenger 4(2): 223 (1993)
2 Mahesh Dodani: Teaching practical object-oriented software engineering. OOPS Messenger 4(2): 251-256 (1993)
1EEMahesh Dodani, Chung-Shin Tsai: ACTS: A Type System for Object-Oriented Programming Based on Abstract and Concrete Classes. ECOOP 1992: 309-328

Coauthor Index

1Mary Lynn Manns [5]
2Phil McLaughlin [5]
3Maximo Prieto [5]
4Helen Sharp (Helen C. Sharp) [5]
5Chung-Shin Tsai [1] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)