
Zeev Ditzian

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8EEZeev Ditzian, A. Prymak: Ul'yanov-type inequality for bounded convex sets in Rd. Journal of Approximation Theory 151(1): 60-85 (2008)
7EEFeng Dai, Zeev Ditzian, S. Tikhonov: Sharp Jackson inequalities. Journal of Approximation Theory 151(1): 86-112 (2008)
6EEZeev Ditzian: A note on equivalence of moduli of smoothness on the sphere. Journal of Approximation Theory 147(1): 125-128 (2007)
5EEZeev Ditzian: Approximation on Banach spaces of functions on the sphere. Journal of Approximation Theory 140(1): 31-45 (2006)
4EEZeev Ditzian, S. Tikhonov: Ul'yanov and Nikol'skii-type inequalities. Journal of Approximation Theory 133(1): 100-133 (2005)
3EEEduard Belinsky, Feng Dai, Zeev Ditzian: Erratum to "Multivariate approximating averages". Journal of Approximation Theory 127(1): 134- (2004)
2EEFeng Dai, Zeev Ditzian: Combinations of multivariate averages. Journal of Approximation Theory 131(2): 268-283 (2004)
1EEEduard Belinsky, Feng Dai, Zeev Ditzian: Multivariate approximating averages. Journal of Approximation Theory 125(1): 85-105 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Eduard Belinsky [1] [3]
2Feng Dai [1] [2] [3] [7]
3A. Prymak [8]
4S. Tikhonov [4] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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