
Feng Dai

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15EEFeng Dai, Zeev Ditzian, S. Tikhonov: Sharp Jackson inequalities. Journal of Approximation Theory 151(1): 86-112 (2008)
14EEYuanzheng Zhong, Feng Dai: A Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment Model for Reflection of Dominant Factors. FSKD (1) 2007: 28-31
13EELiang Wei, Feng Dai, Yan Liu, Songtao Wu, Chenggang Cai: A New Evaluation Method Based on Variable Range of Triangular Fuzzy Number. FSKD (2) 2007: 98-102
12EESongtao Wu, Feng Dai: Using the ROA Index to Analyze the Value of Optimum Stock. FSKD (3) 2007: 381-385
11EEFeng Dai, Yanfei Shen, Yongdong Zhang, Shouxun Lin: The Most Efficient Tile Size in Tile-Based Cylinder Panoramic Video Coding and its Selection Under Restriction of Bandwidth. ICME 2007: 1355-1358
10EEFeng Dai, Yanfei Shen, Yongdong Zhang, Shouxun Lin: Selection of the most efficient tile size in tile-based cylinder panoramic video coding and transmission. The Visual Computer 23(9-11): 891-896 (2007)
9EEFeng Dai: An extrapolation theorem for nonlinear approximation and its applications. Journal of Approximation Theory 143(2): 135-149 (2006)
8EEGao Chen, Yong-Dong Zhang, Shouxun Lin, Feng Dai: Efficient block size selection for MPEG-2 to H.264 transcoding. ACM Multimedia 2004: 300-303
7 Yong-Dong Zhang, Feng Dai, Shouxun Lin: Fast 4*4 intra-prediction mode selection for H.264. ICME 2004: 1151-1154
6EEEduard Belinsky, Feng Dai, Zeev Ditzian: Erratum to "Multivariate approximating averages". Journal of Approximation Theory 127(1): 134- (2004)
5EEFeng Dai, Kunyang Wang: A note on the equivalences between the averages and the K-functionals related to the Laplacian. Journal of Approximation Theory 130(1): 38-45 (2004)
4EEFeng Dai, Zeev Ditzian: Combinations of multivariate averages. Journal of Approximation Theory 131(2): 268-283 (2004)
3EEFeng Dai: Some equivalence theorems with K-functionals. Journal of Approximation Theory 121(1): 143-157 (2003)
2EEEduard Belinsky, Feng Dai, Zeev Ditzian: Multivariate approximating averages. Journal of Approximation Theory 125(1): 85-105 (2003)
1EEFeng Dai, Wang Kunyang, Yu Chunwu: On a Conjecture of Ditzian and Runovskii. Journal of Approximation Theory 118(2): 202-224 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Eduard Belinsky [2] [6]
2Chenggang Cai [13]
3Gao Chen [8]
4Yu Chunwu [1]
5Zeev Ditzian [2] [4] [6] [15]
6Wang Kunyang [1]
7Shouxun Lin [7] [8] [10] [11]
8Yan Liu (Yan (Jenny) Liu) [13]
9Yanfei Shen [10] [11]
10S. Tikhonov [15]
11Kunyang Wang [5]
12Liang Wei [13]
13Songtao Wu [12] [13]
14Yongdong Zhang (Yong-Dong Zhang) [7] [8] [10] [11]
15Yuanzheng Zhong [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)