
Stephen Dignum

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8EESara Silva, Stephen Dignum: Extending Operator Equalisation: Fitness Based Self Adaptive Length Distribution for Bloat Free GP. EuroGP 2009: 159-170
7EEStephen Dignum, Riccardo Poli: Operator Equalisation and Bloat Free GP. EuroGP 2008: 110-121
6EEStephen Dignum, Riccardo Poli: Crossover, Sampling, Bloat and the Harmful Effects of Size Limits. EuroGP 2008: 158-169
5EEEdgar Galván López, Stephen Dignum, Riccardo Poli: The Effects of Constant Neutrality on Performance and Problem Hardness in GP. EuroGP 2008: 312-324
4EEStephen Dignum, Riccardo Poli: Sub-tree Swapping Crossover, Allele Diffusion and GP Convergence. PPSN 2008: 368-377
3EERiccardo Poli, William B. Langdon, Stephen Dignum: On the Limiting Distribution of Program Sizes in Tree-Based Genetic Programming. EuroGP 2007: 193-204
2EEStephen Dignum, Riccardo Poli: Generalisation of the limiting distribution of program sizes in tree-based genetic programming and analysis of its effects on bloat. GECCO 2007: 1588-1595
1EEStephen Dignum, Riccardo Poli: Multi-agent Foreign Exchange Market Modelling Via GP. GECCO (1) 2004: 255-256

Coauthor Index

1William B. Langdon [3]
2Edgar Galván López [5]
3Riccardo Poli [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Sara Silva [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)