
B. S. Dhillon

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4EEXuejun Li, Guangfu Bin, B. S. Dhillon: An Evaluation Method of Mechanical Equipment Health State on the Basis of Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation. FSKD (3) 2007: 518-522
3EEB. S. Dhillon, Zhijian Li: Stochastic Analysis of a System with Redundant Robots, One Built-in Safety Unit, and Common-Cause Failures. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 45(2): 137-155 (2006)
2EEK. Jenab, B. S. Dhillon: Stochastic fault tree analysis with self-loop basic events. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 54(1): 173-180 (2005)
1 B. S. Dhillon: Information Technology Management: A Challenging Issue. IMSA 2002: 130-135

Coauthor Index

1Guangfu Bin [4]
2K. Jenab [2]
3Xuejun Li [4]
4Zhijian Li [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)