
UmaMaheswari C. Devi

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15EEUmaMaheswari C. Devi, James H. Anderson: Tardiness bounds under global EDF scheduling on a multiprocessor. Real-Time Systems 38(2): 133-189 (2008)
14EEJames H. Anderson, Vasile Bud, UmaMaheswari C. Devi: An EDF-based restricted-migration scheduling algorithm for multiprocessor soft real-time systems. Real-Time Systems 38(2): 85-131 (2008)
13EEUmaMaheswari C. Devi, James H. Anderson: A schedulable utilization bound for the multiprocessor EPDF\mathsf{EPDF} Pfair algorithm. Real-Time Systems 38(3): 237-288 (2008)
12EEAaron Block, James H. Anderson, UmaMaheswari C. Devi: Task reweighting under global scheduling on multiprocessors. Real-Time Systems 39(1-3): 123-167 (2008)
11EEAaron Block, James H. Anderson, UmaMaheswari C. Devi: Task Reweighting under Global Scheduling on Multiprocessors. ECRTS 2006: 128-140
10EEUmaMaheswari C. Devi, Hennadiy Leontyev, James H. Anderson: Efficient Synchronization under Global EDF Scheduling on Multiprocessors. ECRTS 2006: 75-84
9EEJames H. Anderson, John M. Calandrino, UmaMaheswari C. Devi: Real-Time Scheduling on Multicore Platforms. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2006: 179-190
8EEUmaMaheswari C. Devi, James H. Anderson: Flexible tardiness bounds for sporadic real-time task systems on multiprocessors. IPDPS 2006
7EEJohn M. Calandrino, Hennadiy Leontyev, Aaron Block, UmaMaheswari C. Devi, James H. Anderson: LITMUS^RT : A Testbed for Empirically Comparing Real-Time Multiprocessor Schedulers. RTSS 2006: 111-126
6EEJames H. Anderson, Vasile Bud, UmaMaheswari C. Devi: An EDF-based Scheduling Algorithm for Multiprocessor Soft Real-Time Systems. ECRTS 2005: 199-208
5EEUmaMaheswari C. Devi, James H. Anderson: Desynchronized Pfair Scheduling on Multiprocessors. IPDPS 2005
4EEUmaMaheswari C. Devi, James H. Anderson: Tardiness Bounds under Global EDF Scheduling on a Multiprocessor. RTSS 2005: 330-341
3EEUmaMaheswari C. Devi, James H. Anderson: Fair Integrated Scheduling of Soft Real-time Tardiness Classes on Multiprocessors. IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2004: 554-561
2EEUmaMaheswari C. Devi, James H. Anderson: Improved Conditions for Bounded Tardiness under EPDF Fair Multiprocessor Scheduling. IPDPS 2004
1EEUmaMaheswari C. Devi: An Improved Schedulability Test for Uniprocessor Periodic Task Systems. ECRTS 2003: 23-

Coauthor Index

1James H. Anderson [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
2Aaron Block [7] [11] [12]
3Vasile Bud [6] [14]
4John M. Calandrino [7] [9]
5Hennadiy Leontyev [7] [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)