
Erik Deumens

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3EEJuan Torras, Gustavo de M. Seabra, Erik Deumens, S. B. Trickey, Adrian E. Roitberg: A versatile AMBER-Gaussian QM/MM interface through PUPIL. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(10): 1564-1573 (2008)
2EEJuan Torras, Yao He, Chao Cao, Krishna Muralidharan, Erik Deumens, H.-P. Cheng, S. B. Trickey: PUPIL: A systematic approach to software integration in multi-scale simulations. Computer Physics Communications 177(3): 265-279 (2007)
1EEDenis Jacquemin, Benoît Champagne, Jean-Marie André, Erik Deumens, Yngve Öhrn: Integral algorithm and density matrix integration scheme for ab initio band structure calculations on polymeric systems. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(15): 1430-1444 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Marie André [1]
2Chao Cao [2]
3Benoît Champagne [1]
4H.-P. Cheng [2]
5Yao He [2]
6Denis Jacquemin [1]
7Krishna Muralidharan [2]
8Yngve Öhrn [1]
9Adrian E. Roitberg [3]
10Gustavo de M. Seabra [3]
11Juan Torras [2] [3]
12S. B. Trickey [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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