
Jean-Marie André

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3EEDenis Jacquemin, Benoît Champagne, Jean-Marie André, Erik Deumens, Yngve Öhrn: Integral algorithm and density matrix integration scheme for ab initio band structure calculations on polymeric systems. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(15): 1430-1444 (2002)
2 Jean-Marie André, Benoît Champagne, Joseph Delhalle, J. G. Fripiat, D. H. Mosley: Modern Quantum Mechanical Techniques and Computations on the Electronic Structure of Polymers (Invited Paper). HPCN 1994: 183-188
1EEJoseph Delhalle, D. Thelen, Jean-Marie André: B.I.P. an interactive graphic system for indexing energy bands of model polymers. Computers & Chemistry 3(1): 1-4 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Benoît Champagne [2] [3]
2Joseph Delhalle [1] [2]
3Erik Deumens [3]
4J. G. Fripiat [2]
5Denis Jacquemin [3]
6D. H. Mosley [2]
7Yngve Öhrn [3]
8D. Thelen [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)