
Ralph Deters

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40EEKarolina Zurowska, Ralph Deters: Load management in model-aware execution of composite web services. SAC 2009: 2134-2139
39EEYuxuan Meng, Ralph Deters: Research on the Runtime Behavior of Composite SOAP Web Services under Transient Loads. CSSE (3) 2008: 499-504
38EEDong Liu, Ralph Deters: The Reverse C10K Problem for Server-Side Mashups. ICSOC Workshops 2008: 166-177
37EEDmytro Dyachuk, Ralph Deters: Ensuring Service Level Agreements for Service Workflows. IEEE SCC (2) 2008: 333-340
36EEDong Liu, Ralph Deters: Management of service-oriented systems. Service Oriented Computing and Applications 2(2-3): 51-64 (2008)
35EEDmytro Dyachuk, Ralph Deters: Optimizing Performance of Web Service Providers. AINA 2007: 46-53
34 Dmytro Dyachuk, Ralph Deters: Exposing workflows to load bursts. ICEIS (1) 2007: 218-225
33EEDmytro Dyachuk, Ralph Deters: Service Level Agreement Aware Workflow Scheduling. IEEE SCC 2007: 715-716
32EEDmytro Dyachuk, Ralph Deters: Using Call-Context to Prevent the Emergence of Chaotic Workflow Behaviors in Overload Situations. IEEE SCC 2007: 729-730
31EEDong Liu, Ralph Deters: BUST: enabling scalable service orchestration. Infoscale 2007: 23
30EEXin Liu, Ralph Deters: An efficient dual caching strategy for web service-enabled PDAs. SAC 2007: 788-794
29EEDmytro Dyachuk, Ralph Deters: Improving Performance of Composite Web Services. SOCA 2007: 147-154
28EEDmytro Dyachuk, Ralph Deters: Transparent Admission Control and Scheduling of e-Commerce Web Services. WEBIST (Selected Papers) 2007: 124-136
27EEDmytro Dyachuk, Ralph Deters: Scheduling of Composite Web Services. OTM Workshops (1) 2006: 19-20
26EEKamal Elbashir, Ralph Deters: Transparent Caching for Nomadic WS Clients. ICWS 2005: 177-184
25EEKamal Elbashir, Ralph Deters: Nomadic Web Service Clients. IDEAS 2005: 379-388
24EELichun Ji, Ralph Deters: Coordination & Enterprise Wide P2P Computing. IEEE SCC 2005: 141-148
23EEEmir Halepovic, Ralph Deters, Bernard Traversat: JXTA Messaging: Analysis of Feature-Performance Tradeoffs and Implications for System Design. OTM Conferences (2) 2005: 1097-1114
22EEPeng Xu, Ralph Deters: Fault-Management for Multi-Agent Systems. SAINT 2005: 287-293
21EEEmir Halepovic, Ralph Deters: The JXTA performance model and evaluation. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(3): 377-390 (2005)
20EEGolha Sharifi, Ralph Deters, Julita Vassileva, Susan Bull, Harald Röbig: Location-Aware Adaptive Interfaces for Information Access with Handheld Computers. AH 2004: 328-331
19EEJulian Day, Ralph Deters: Selecting the best web service. CASCON 2004: 293-307
18EEEmir Halepovic, Ralph Deters, Bernard Traversat: Performance Evaluation of JXTA Rendezvous. CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE (2) 2004: 1125-1142
17EEPeng Xu, Ralph Deters: Using Event-Streams for Fault-Management in MAS. IAT 2004: 433-436
16 Golha Sharifi, Julita Vassileva, Ralph Deters: Seamless Communication and Access to Information for Mobile Users in a Wireless Environment. ICEIS (4) 2004: 122-129
15 Nyik San Ting, Ralph Deters: Peer-to-Peer Network Simulation. ICEIS (4) 2004: 84-91
14EEPeng Xu, Ralph Deters: MAS and Fault-Management. SAINT 2004: 283-286
13EEAlan Fedoruk, Ralph Deters: Using dynamic proxy agent replicate groups to improve fault-tolerance in multi-agent systems. AAMAS 2003: 990-991
12EEAlan Fedoruk, Ralph Deters: Improving Fault-tolerance in MAS with Dynamic Proxy Replicate Groups. IAT 2003: 364-370
11EEEmir Halepovic, Ralph Deters: The Costs of Using JXTA. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2003: 160-167
10EENyik San Ting, Ralph Deters: 3LS - A Peer-to-Peer Network Simulator. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2003: 212-213
9EEAlan Fedoruk, Ralph Deters: Improving fault-tolerance by replicating agents. AAMAS 2002: 737-744
8EEAlan Fedoruk, Ralph Deters: Using Agent Replication to Enhance Reliability and Availability of Multi-agent Systems. Canadian Conference on AI 2002: 237-251
7EEGolha Sharifi, Julita Vassileva, Ralph Deters: Supporting the Needs of Mobile Home Care Workers: A Case Study for Saskatoon District Health System. Canadian Conference on AI 2002: 356-357
6EEMark Senior, Ralph Deters: Market Structures in Peer Computation Sharing. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2002: 128-135
5EEEmir Halepovic, Ralph Deters: Building a P2P Forum System with JXTA. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2002: 41-48
4 Ralph Deters: Towards Scalable Multi-Agent Systems. ICEIS (1) 2001: 497-504
3EERalph Deters: Scalable multi-agent systems. Java Grande 2001: 182
2EERalph Deters: Developing and deploying a multi agent system. Agents 2000: 175-176
1 Ralph Deters: Case-Based Diagnosis of Multiple Faults. ICCBR 1995: 411-420

Coauthor Index

1Susan Bull [20]
2Julian Day [19]
3Dmytro Dyachuk [27] [28] [29] [32] [33] [34] [35] [37]
4Kamal Elbashir [25] [26]
5Alan Fedoruk [8] [9] [12] [13]
6Emir Halepovic [5] [11] [18] [21] [23]
7Lichun Ji [24]
8Dong Liu [31] [36] [38]
9Xin Liu [30]
10Yuxuan Meng [39]
11Harald Röbig [20]
12Mark Senior [6]
13Golha Sharifi [7] [16] [20]
14Nyik San Ting [10] [15]
15Bernard Traversat [18] [23]
16Julita Vassileva [7] [16] [20]
17Peng Xu [14] [17] [22]
18Karolina Zurowska [40]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)