
Thomas Deiß

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7EEMartin Botteck, Thomas Deiß: Introduction of TTCN-3 into the product development process: considerations from an electronic devices developer point of view. STTT 10(4): 285-289 (2008)
6EEThomas Deiß: Refactoring and converting a TTCN-2 test suite. STTT 10(4): 347-352 (2008)
5EEStefan Blom, Thomas Deiß, Natalia Ioustinova, Ari Kontio, Jaco van de Pol, Axel Rennoch, Natalia Sidorova: Simulated time for host-based testing with TTCN-3. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 18(1): 29-49 (2008)
4EEStefan Blom, Thomas Deiß, Natalia Ioustinova, Ari Kontio, Jaco van de Pol, Axel Rennoch, Natalia Sidorova: TTCN-3 for Distributed Testing Embedded Software. Ershov Memorial Conference 2006: 98-111
3EEThomas Deiß, Andreas Johan Nyberg, Stephan Schulz, Risto Teittinen, Colin Willcock: Industrial Deployment of the TTCN-3 Testing Technology. IEEE Software 23(4): 48-54 (2006)
2 Thomas Deiß: An Approach to the Combination of Formal Description Techniques: Statecharts and TLA. IFM 1999: 231-250
1 Thomas Deiß: Conditional Seme-Thue Systems for Presenting Monoids. STACS 1992: 557-565

Coauthor Index

1Stefan Blom [4] [5]
2Martin Botteck [7]
3Natalia Ioustinova [4] [5]
4Ari Kontio [4] [5]
5Andreas Johan Nyberg [3]
6Jaco van de Pol [4] [5]
7Axel Rennoch [4] [5]
8Stephan Schulz [3]
9Natalia Sidorova [4] [5]
10Risto Teittinen [3]
11Colin Willcock [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)