
Pierre Degond

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8EEPierre Degond, Shi Jin, Min Tang: On the Time Splitting Spectral Method for the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation in the Large Time and Space Scale Limit. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 30(5): 2466-2487 (2008)
7EEPierre Degond, Samy Gallego, Florian Méhats: On a New Isothermal Quantum Euler Model: Derivation, Asymptotic Analysis and Simulation. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 939-946
6EEChristophe Besse, Jean Claudel, Pierre Degond, Fabrice Deluzet, Gérard Gallice, Christian Tessieras: Numerical simulations of the ionospheric striation model in a non-uniform magnetic field. Computer Physics Communications 176(2): 75-90 (2007)
5EEJean-Charles Matéo-Vélez, François Rogier, Frédéric Thivet, Pierre Degond: Numerical Modeling of Plasma - Flow Interaction. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2006: 1-9
4EEChristophe Besse, Jean Claudel, Pierre Degond, Fabrice Deluzet, Gérard Gallice, Christian Tessieras: Instability of the Ionospheric Plasma: Modeling and Analysis. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 65(6): 2178-2198 (2005)
3EEPierre Degond, Axel Klar: A relaxation approximation for transport equations in the diffusive limit. Appl. Math. Lett. 15(2): 131-135 (2002)
2EEM. Lemou, M. Picasso, Pierre Degond: Viscoelastic Fluid Models Derived from Kinetic Equations for Polymers. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 62(5): 1501-1519 (2002)
1EEKaijun Zhang, Pierre Degond: Diffusion Approximation of a Scattering Matrix Model of a Semiconductor Superlattice. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 63(1): 279-298 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Christophe Besse [4] [6]
2Jean Claudel [4] [6]
3Fabrice Deluzet [4] [6]
4Samy Gallego [7]
5Gérard Gallice [4] [6]
6Shi Jin [8]
7Axel Klar [3]
8M. Lemou [2]
9Jean-Charles Matéo-Vélez [5]
10Florian Méhats [7]
11M. Picasso [2]
12François Rogier [5]
13Min Tang [8]
14Christian Tessieras [4] [6]
15Frédéric Thivet [5]
16Kaijun Zhang [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)