
Swades De

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17EEEhsan Haghani, Swades De, Nirwan Ansari: On Modeling VoIP Traffic in Broadband Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 1922-1926
16EESwades De, Chunming Qiao: A hybrid meshed multipath forwarding scheme in wireless ad hoc networks. Computer Communications 30(17): 3346-3357 (2007)
15EELichuan Liu, Hongya Ge, Swades De: Impact of network resource constraints on the performance of wireless sensor relay networks. IWCMC 2006: 1055-1060
14EEKomlan Egoh, Swades De: Priority-based receiver-side relay election in wireless ad hoc sensor networks. IWCMC 2006: 1177-1182
13EESwades De, Antonio Caruso, Tamalika Chaira, Stefano Chessa: Bounds on hop distance in greedy routing approach in wireless ad hoc networks. IJWMC 1(2): 131-140 (2006)
12EEAntonio Caruso, Stefano Chessa, Swades De, A. Urpi: GPS free coordinate assignment and routing in wireless sensor networks. INFOCOM 2005: 150-160
11EEHongyi Wu, Chunming Qiao, Swades De, Evsen Yanmaz, Ozan K. Tonguz: Quality of Coverage (QoC) in Integrated Heterogeneous Wireless Systems. MSN 2005: 689-700
10EEHongyi Wu, Swades De, Chunming Qiao, Evsen Yanmaz, Ozan K. Tonguz: Hand-Off Performance of the Integrated Cellular and Ad Hoc Relaying (iCAR) System. Wireless Networks 11(6): 775-785 (2005)
9EESwades De, Dimitrios A. Pados, Chunming Qiao, Mainak Chatterjee: Topological and MAI Constraints on the Performance of Wireless CDMA Sensor Networks. INFOCOM 2004
8EESwades De, Chunming Qiao, Dimitrios A. Pados, Mainak Chatterjee, Sumesh J. Philip: An integrated cross-layer study of wireless CDMA sensor networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(7): 1271-1285 (2004)
7EESwades De, Chunming Qiao, Hongyi Wu: Meshed multipath routing with selective forwarding: an efficient strategy in wireless sensor networks. Computer Networks 43(4): 481-497 (2003)
6EESwades De, Chunming Qiao, Sajal K. Das: A resource-efficient QoS routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(4): 465-486 (2003)
5EESwades De, Ozan K. Tonguz, Hongyi Wu, Chunming Qiao: Integrated Cellular and Ad Hoc Relay (iCAR) Systems: Pushing the Performance Limits of Conventional Wireless Networks. HICSS 2002: 300
4EESwades De, Sajal K. Das, Hongyi Wu, Chunming Qiao: Trigger-based distributed QoS routing in mobile ad hoc networks. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 6(3): 22-35 (2002)
3EESwades De, Sajal K. Das: Maximum Achievable Capacity Gain through Traffic Load Balancing in Cellular Radio Networks: A Practical Perspective. HiPC 2001: 321-330
2EESwades De, Sajal K. Das: Dynamic Multipath Routing (DMPR): An Approach to Improve Resource Utilization in Networks for Real-Time Traffic. MASCOTS 2001: 23-
1 Hongyi Wu, Chunming Qiao, Swades De, Ozan K. Tonguz: Integrated cellular and ad hoc relaying systems: iCAR. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 19(10): 2105-2115 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Nirwan Ansari [17]
2Antonio Caruso [12] [13]
3Tamalika Chaira [13]
4Mainak Chatterjee [8] [9]
5Stefano Chessa [12] [13]
6Sajal K. Das [2] [3] [4] [6]
7Komlan Egoh [14]
8Hongya Ge [15]
9Ehsan Haghani [17]
10Lichuan Liu [15]
11Dimitrios A. Pados [8] [9]
12Sumesh J. Philip [8]
13Chunming Qiao [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [16]
14Ozan K. Tonguz [1] [5] [10] [11]
15A. Urpi [12]
16Hongyi Wu [1] [4] [5] [7] [10] [11]
17Evsen Yanmaz [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)