
Donald L. Day

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13 Donald L. Day, Vanessa Evers, Elisa del Galdo: Designing for Global Markets 7, IWIPS 2005, Bridging Cultural Differences, 7-9 July 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems Product & Systems Internationalisation, Inc. 2005
12 Vanessa Evers, Kerstin Röse, Pia Honold, José Coronado, Donald L. Day: Designing for Global Markets 5, IWIPS 2003, Fifth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems, Where East meets West, Berlin, Germany, 17-19 July 2003 Product & Systems Internationalisation, Inc. 2003
11EEDonald L. Day, Susan M. Dray: Business: Learning the ropes of conference and meeting organization. Interactions 8(3): 43-45 (2001)
10EELouise Scott, Levente Horvath, Donald L. Day: Characterizing case constraints. Commun. ACM 43(11es): 14 (2000)
9EEDonald L. Day: Behavioural effects of attitudes toward constraint in CASE: the impact of development task and project phase. Inf. Syst. J. 10(2): 151- (2000)
8 Donald L. Day, Vanessa Evers: Questionnaire development for multicultural samples. IWIPS 1999: 153-162
7 Donald L. Day: Thinking differently, acting together: A treatise on technology acceptance in the era of internationalization. IWIPS 1999: 25-32
6 Donald L. Day: Editorial: Shared Values and Shared Interfaces: The Role of Culture in the Globalisation of Human-Computer Systems. Interacting with Computers 9(3): 269-274 (1998)
5 Donald L. Day: Editorial: Shared Values and Shared Interfaces 2: Preview and Current Research. Interacting with Computers 9(4): 397-400 (1998)
4 Donald L. Day, Päivi Mäkirinne-Crofts: Computer Anxiety and the Human-Computer Interface. BCS HCI 1997: 85-100
3 Vanessa Evers, Donald L. Day: The Role of Culture in Interface Acceptance. INTERACT 1997: 260-267
2 Donald L. Day: Cultural Bases of Interface Acceptance: Foundations. BCS HCI 1996: 35-47
1 Donald L. Day, Marta Dosa, Corinne L. Jörgensen: The Transfer of Research Information within and by Multicultural Teams. Inf. Process. Manage. 31(1): 89-100 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1José Coronado [12]
2Marta Dosa [1]
3Susan M. Dray [11]
4Vanessa Evers [3] [8] [12] [13]
5Elisa del Galdo [13]
6Pia Honold [12]
7Levente Horvath [10]
8Corinne L. Jörgensen [1]
9Päivi Mäkirinne-Crofts [4]
10Kerstin Röse [12]
11Louise Scott [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)