
Edward Roy Davies

E. R. Davies

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18EEE. R. Davies, Sergio A. Velastin: Special Issue on Vision for Crime Detection and Prevention. Pattern Recognition Letters 27(15): 1755-1757 (2006)
17EEEdward Roy Davies: Truncating the Hough transform parameter space can be beneficial. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(1-3): 129-135 (2003)
16EEE. R. Davies, Michael Bateman, D. R. Mason, J. Chambers, C. Ridgway: Design of efficient line segment detectors for cereal grain inspection. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(1-3): 413-428 (2003)
15EEE. R. Davies: Formulation of an accurate discrete theory of median shifts. Signal Processing 83(3): 531-544 (2003)
14EEE. R. Davies: A Sampling Approach to Ultra-fast Object Location. Real-Time Imaging 7(4): 339-355 (2001)
13EEE. R. Davies, Horace Ho-Shing Ip: Guest editorial: Special issue on real-time visual monitoring and inspection. Real-Time Imaging 4(5): 313-315 (1998)
12EEDevesh Patel, Edward Roy Davies, Ian Hannah: The use of convolution operators for detecting contaminants in food images. Pattern Recognition 29(6): 1019-1029 (1996)
11EEIan Hannah, Devesh Patel, Edward Roy Davies: The use of variance and entropic thresholding methods for image segmentation. Pattern Recognition 28(8): 1135-1143 (1995)
10EEEdward Roy Davies, Devesh Patel, Adrian I. C. Johnstone: Crucial Issues in the Design of a Real-Time Contaminant Detection System for Food Products. Real-Time Imaging 1(6): 397-407 (1995)
9EEE. R. Davies: Pattern-Rrecognition transforms. Image Vision Comput. 11(8): 531-532 (1993)
8EEE. R. Davies: Procedure for generating template masks for detecting variable signals. Image Vision Comput. 10(4): 241-249 (1992)
7EEE. R. Davies: Locating objects from their point features using an optimised Hough-like accumulation technique. Pattern Recognition Letters 13(2): 113-121 (1992)
6EEE. R. Davies: Alternative to abstract graph matching for locating objects from their salient features. Image Vision Comput. 9(4): 252-261 (1991)
5 E. R. Davies: Median-Based Methods of Corner Detection. Pattern Recognition 1988: 360-369
4EEE. R. Davies: Design of optimal gaussian operators in small neighbourhoods. Image Vision Comput. 5(3): 199-205 (1987)
3EEE. R. Davies: Improved localization in a generalized Hough scheme for the detection of straight edges. Image Vision Comput. 5(4): 279-286 (1987)
2EEE. R. Davies: Circularity - a new principle underlying the design of accurate edge orientation operators. Image Vision Comput. 2(3): 134-142 (1984)
1EEEdward Roy Davies, A. P. N. Plummer: Thinning algorithms: A critique and a new methodology. Pattern Recognition 14(1-6): 53-63 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Bateman [16]
2J. Chambers [16]
3Ian Hannah [11] [12]
4Horace Ho-Shing Ip [13]
5Adrian I. C. Johnstone [10]
6D. R. Mason [16]
7Devesh Patel [10] [11] [12]
8A. P. N. Plummer [1]
9C. Ridgway [16]
10Sergio A. Velastin [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)