
Paul J. Darwen

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11 Kalyanmoy Deb, Riccardo Poli, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Hans-Georg Beyer, Edmund K. Burke, Paul J. Darwen, Dipankar Dasgupta, Dario Floreano, James A. Foster, Mark Harman, Owen Holland, Pier Luca Lanzi, Lee Spector, Andrea Tettamanzi, Dirk Thierens, Andrew M. Tyrrell: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - GECCO 2004, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, June 26-30, 2004, Proceedings, Part I Springer 2004
10 Kalyanmoy Deb, Riccardo Poli, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Hans-Georg Beyer, Edmund K. Burke, Paul J. Darwen, Dipankar Dasgupta, Dario Floreano, James A. Foster, Mark Harman, Owen Holland, Pier Luca Lanzi, Lee Spector, Andrea Tettamanzi, Dirk Thierens, Andrew M. Tyrrell: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - GECCO 2004, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, June 26-30, 2004, Proceedings, Part II Springer 2004
9EEPaul J. Darwen: Evolving a Schedule with Batching, Precedence Constraints, and Sequence-Dependent Setup Times: Crossover Needs Building Blocks. IEA/AIE 2002: 525-535
8EEPaul J. Darwen, Xin Yao: Co-Evolution in Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma with Intermediate Levels of Cooperation: Application to Missile Defense. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 2(1): 83-107 (2002)
7EEPaul J. Darwen: Unobtrusive Workstation Farming Without Inconveniencing Owners: Learning Backgammon with a Genetic Algorithm. IWCC 1999: 303-311
6 Paul J. Darwen, Xin Yao: Speciation as automatic categorical modularization. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 1(2): 101-108 (1997)
5 Paul J. Darwen, Xin Yao: Automatic Modularization by Speciation. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1996: 88-93
4 Paul J. Darwen, Xin Yao: Every Niching Method has its Niche: Fitness Sharing and Implicit Sharing Compared. PPSN 1996: 398-407
3 Paul J. Darwen, Xin Yao: On Evolving Robust Strategies for Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. Evo Workshops 1994: 276-292
2 Xin Yao, Paul J. Darwen: An Experimental Study of N-Person Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Games. Evo Workshops 1994: 90-108
1 Xin Yao, Paul J. Darwen: An Experimental Study of N-Person Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Games. Informatica (Slovenia) 18(4): (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Wolfgang Banzhaf [10] [11]
2Hans-Georg Beyer [10] [11]
3Edmund K. Burke [10] [11]
4Dipankar Dasgupta [10] [11]
5Kalyanmoy Deb [10] [11]
6Dario Floreano [10] [11]
7James A. Foster [10] [11]
8Mark Harman [10] [11]
9Owen Holland [10] [11]
10Pier Luca Lanzi [10] [11]
11Riccardo Poli [10] [11]
12Lee Spector [10] [11]
13Andrea Tettamanzi [10] [11]
14Dirk Thierens [10] [11]
15Andrew M. Tyrrell (Andy M. Tyrrell) [10] [11]
16Xin Yao [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]

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