
M. Darouach

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5EEM. Darouach: Complements to full order observer design for linear systems with unknown inputs. Appl. Math. Lett. 22(7): 1107-1111 (2009)
4EEY. Becis-Aubry, M. Boutayeb, M. Darouach: State estimation in the presence of bounded disturbances. Automatica 44(7): 1867-1873 (2008)
3EEH. Souley Ali, M. Zasadzinski, H. Rafaralahy, M. Darouach: Robust I reduced order filtering for uncertain bilinear systems. Automatica 42(3): 405-415 (2006)
2EEJ. Y. Keller, M. Darouach, L. Caramelle: Kalman filter with unknown inputs and robust two-stage filter. Int. J. Systems Science 29(1): 41-47 (1998)
1EEJ. Schaefers, S. J. Xu, M. Darouach: A parameter identification approach using optimal exciting trajectories for a class of industrial robots. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 15(1): 25-32 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1H. Souley Ali [3]
2Y. Becis-Aubry [4]
3M. Boutayeb [4]
4L. Caramelle [2]
5J. Y. Keller [2]
6H. Rafaralahy [3]
7J. Schaefers [1]
8S. J. Xu [1]
9M. Zasadzinski [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)