
Giovanni Danese

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12EEGiovanni Danese, M. Giachero, Francesco Leporati, G. Matrone, N. Nazzicari: A Dedicated Hardware for Fingerprint Authentication. KES (2) 2007: 117-124
11EEGiovanni Danese, Francesco Leporati, Marco Bera, M. Giachero, N. Nazzicari, Alvaro Spelgatti: An Application Specific Processor for Montecarlo Simulations. PDP 2007: 262-269
10EEMarco Bera, Giovanni Danese, Francesco Leporati, Alvaro Spelgatti: A new technique to calculate dipolar energy and its implementation onto an application specific processor. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2004: 326-334
9EERafaella Turri, M. Buscaglia, Giovanni Danese, Ivo De Lotto, Francesco Leporati: New Computer Model of a Dipolar System with Hexagonal Geometry in Presence of an External Electric Field. ISCIS 2004: 729-740
8EEMarco Bera, Giovanni Danese, Ivo De Lotto, Francesco Leporati, Alvaro Spelgatti: A Development and Simulation Environment for a Floating Point Operations FPGA Based Accelerator. DSD 2003: 173-179
7EEGiovanni Danese, Ivo De Lotto, Francesco Leporati, M. Scaricabarozzi, Alvaro Spelgatti: An Accelerator for Double Precision Floating Point Operations. PDP 2003: 57-
6EEGiovanni Danese, Ivo De Lotto, Francesco Leporati, Alvaro Spelgatti: FPGA Based Coprocessor to Calculate the Energy of Dipolar System. PDP 2002: 227-234
5EEGiovanni Danese, Francesco Leporati, Stefano Ramat: A Parallel Neural Processor for Real-Time Applications. IEEE Micro 22(3): 20-31 (2002)
4EEG. Coldani, Giovanni Danese, R. Gandolfi, P. Ghidetti, Francesco Leporati, R. Lombardi: Portable Acquisition System for Measurements of Pressures, Temperatures and Humidity in Lower Limb Prosthesis. DSD 2001: 368-371
3EEG. Coldani, L. Cotrino, Giovanni Danese, Francesco Leporati, M. Maneri: Notacheck: A Parallel DSP-Based Architecture for Real Time High Resolution Inspection of Bank-Notes. CAMP 2000: 163
2 Giovanni Danese, Ivo De Lotto, D. Dotti, Francesco Leporati: Simulation of poly-electrolyte solutions on a parallel dedicated system. PDP 1997: 468-476
1EEG. Braschi, Giovanni Danese, Ivo De Lotto, D. Dotti, M. Gallati, Francesco Leporati, M. Mazzoleni: A Parallel Processing System for Simulations of Vortex Blob Interactions. PDP 1996: 115-122

Coauthor Index

1Marco Bera [8] [10] [11]
2G. Braschi [1]
3M. Buscaglia [9]
4G. Coldani [3] [4]
5L. Cotrino [3]
6D. Dotti [1] [2]
7M. Gallati [1]
8R. Gandolfi [4]
9P. Ghidetti [4]
10M. Giachero [11] [12]
11Francesco Leporati [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
12R. Lombardi [4]
13Ivo De Lotto [1] [2] [6] [7] [8] [9]
14M. Maneri [3]
15G. Matrone [12]
16M. Mazzoleni [1]
17N. Nazzicari [11] [12]
18Stefano Ramat [5]
19M. Scaricabarozzi [7]
20Alvaro Spelgatti [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
21Rafaella Turri [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)