
Rachel Daigle

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3EERobyn Richard, Claire Lassalle, Rachel Daigle, Tom Snyder: All in the family: utilizing shared resources across campuses. SIGUCCS 2003: 10-11
2EERachel Daigle: Student workers: the heart of the help desk. SIGUCCS 2003: 193-195
1EEScott Delaney, Rachel Daigle, Toni Sparks: Discovering a new world of lab management. SIGUCCS 2002: 240-241

Coauthor Index

1Scott Delaney [1]
2Claire Lassalle [3]
3Robyn Richard [3]
4Tom Snyder [3]
5Toni Sparks [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)