
Matthew D'Souza

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6EEMatthew D'Souza, Konstanty Bialkowski, Adam Postula, Montserrat Ros: A Wireless Sensor Node Architecture Using Remote Power Charging, for Interaction Applications. DSD 2007: 485-494
5EEMatthew D'Souza, Montserrat Ros, Adam Postula: Wireless Medical Information System Network for Patient ECG Monitoring. DSD 2006: 617-624
4 Matthew D'Souza, Adam Postula, Neil Bergmann, Montserrat Ros: Mobile locality-aware multimedia on mobile computing devices a bluetooth wireless network infrastructure for a multimedia guidebook. ICETE 2005: 150-153
3 Matthew D'Souza, Adam Postula, Neil Bergmann, Montserrat Ros: A bluetooth based protocol for multimedia guidebooks on mobile computing devices experiencing mobile locality-aware multimedia in the palm of your hand. ICETE 2005: 154-157
2EEMatthew D'Souza, Adam Postula, Neil Bergmann, Montserrat Ros: A multimedia guidebook implementation using a bluetooth wireless information point network. WMASH 2005: 33-38
1EEMatthew D'Souza, Adam Postula: Architecture of Wireless Sensor Node using Novel Ultra-Wideband Modulation Scheme. DSD 2004: 579-586

Coauthor Index

1Neil Bergmann [2] [3] [4]
2Konstanty Bialkowski [6]
3Adam Postula [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Montserrat Ros [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)