
Lawrence D'Antonio

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6EEOleg Kikin, Zachary Zappala, Lawrence D'Antonio, Paramjeet Bagga: GRSDB2 and GRS_UTRdb: databases of quadruplex forming G-rich sequences in pre-mRNAs and mRNAs. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 141-148 (2008)
5EERumen Kostadinov, Nishtha Malhotra, Manuel Viotti, Robert Shine, Lawrence D'Antonio, Paramjeet Bagga: GRSDB: a database of quadruplex forming G-rich sequences in alternatively processed mammalian pre-mRNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Database-Issue): 119-124 (2006)
4EEOleg Kikin, Lawrence D'Antonio, Paramjeet Bagga: QGRS Mapper: a web-based server for predicting G-quadruplexes in nucleotide sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Web-Server-Issue): 676-682 (2006)
3EEAmruth N. Kumar, Rose K. Shumba, Bina Ramamurthy, Lawrence D'Antonio: Emerging areas in computer science education. SIGCSE 2005: 453-454
2EELawrence D'Antonio, Paramjeet Bagga: Computational Methods for Predicting Intramolecular G-Quadruplexes in Nucleotide Sequences. CSB 2004: 590-591
1EELawrence D'Antonio: Incorporating bioinformatics in an algorithms course. ITiCSE 2003: 211-214

Coauthor Index

1Paramjeet Bagga [2] [4] [5] [6]
2Oleg Kikin [4] [6]
3Rumen Kostadinov [5]
4Amruth N. Kumar [3]
5Nishtha Malhotra [5]
6Bina Ramamurthy [3]
7Robert Shine [5]
8Rose K. Shumba [3]
9Manuel Viotti [5]
10Zachary Zappala [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)