
Jacob L. Cybulski

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11EEShaun Dallman, LeMai Nguyen, John Lamp, Jacob L. Cybulski: Contextual Factors which Influence Creativity in Requirements Engineering. ECIS 2005
10EEPradipta K. Sarkar, Jacob L. Cybulski: Evaluation of phenomenological findings in IS research: a study in developing web-based IS. ECIS 2004
9 Tanya Linden, Jacob L. Cybulski: Capturing Best Practices in Web Development. ICWI 2003: 427-434
8 Ricki Maurici, Jacob L. Cybulski: Integration of an Internet-Driven Supply Chain for a Medium-Size E-commerce Company. E-Business: Multidisciplinary Research and Practice 2002: 385-402
7 Pradipta K. Sarkar, Jacob L. Cybulski: Consideration of Stakeholder Concerns in the Development of Web-Enabled Systems. ICWI 2002: 774-779
6EEJacob L. Cybulski, Tanya Linden: Teaching Systems Analysis and Design Using Multimedia and Patterns. CSEE&T 2000: 113-122
5 Jacob L. Cybulski, Karl Reed: Requirements Classification and Reuse: Crossing Domain Boundaries. ICSR 2000: 190-210
4EEJacob L. Cybulski, Karl Reed: Computer-Assisted Analysis and Refinement of Informal Software Requirements Documents. APSEC 1998: 128-135
3EEMaurits C. Blok, Jacob L. Cybulski: Reusing UML Specifications in a Constrained Application Domain. APSEC 1998: 196-202
2 Jacob L. Cybulski, Ralph D. (Butch) Neal, Anthony Kram, Jeffrey C. Allen: Reuse of Early Life-Cycle Artifacts: Workproducts, Methods and Tools. Ann. Software Eng. 5: 227-251 (1998)
1 Jacob L. Cybulski, Karl Reed: A Hypertext Based Software-Engineering Environment. IEEE Software 9(2): 62-68 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Jeffrey C. Allen [2]
2Maurits C. Blok [3]
3Shaun Dallman [11]
4Anthony Kram [2]
5John Lamp [11]
6Tanya Linden [6] [9]
7Ricki Maurici [8]
8Ralph D. (Butch) Neal [2]
9LeMai Nguyen [11]
10Karl Reed [1] [4] [5]
11Pradipta K. Sarkar [7] [10]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)