
William H. Cunningham

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24EEMaria Chudnovsky, William H. Cunningham, Jim Geelen: An algorithm for packing non-zero A -paths in group-labelled graphs. Combinatorica 28(2): 145-161 (2008)
23EEWilliam H. Cunningham, Jim Geelen: On Integer Programming and the Branch-Width of the Constraint Matrix. IPCO 2007: 158-166
22EEKevin K. H. Cheung, William H. Cunningham, Lawrence Tang: Optimal 3-terminal cuts and linear programming. Math. Program. 106(1): 1-23 (2006)
21EEWilliam H. Cunningham, Penny E. Haxell, R. Bruce Richter, Nicholas C. Wormald, Andrew Thomason: To Adrian Bondy and U. S. R. Murty. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 90(1): 1 (2004)
20EEWilliam H. Cunningham, Lawrence Tang: Optimal 3-Terminal Cuts and Linear Programming. IPCO 1999: 114-125
19EEAndré Bouchet, William H. Cunningham, James F. Geelen: Principally Unimodular Skew-Symmetric Matrices. Combinatorica 18(4): 461-486 (1998)
18 William H. Cunningham, James F. Geelen: The Optimal Path-Matching Problem. Combinatorica 17(3): 315-337 (1997)
17 Eddie Cheng, William H. Cunningham: Wheel inequalitites for stable set polytopes. Math. Program. 77: 389-421 (1997)
16 William H. Cunningham, S. Thomas McCormick, Maurice Queyranne: Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 5th International IPCO Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 3-5, 1996, Proceedings Springer 1996
15 William H. Cunningham, James F. Geelen: The Optimal Path-Matching Problem. FOCS 1996: 78-85
14 Eddie Cheng, William H. Cunningham: Separation Problems for the Stable Set Polytope. IPCO 1995: 65-79
13EEAndré Bouchet, William H. Cunningham: Delta-Matroids, Jump Systems, Bisubmodular Polyhedra. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 8(1): 17-32 (1995)
12 Eddie Cheng, William H. Cunningham: A Faster Algorithm for Computing the Strength of a Network. Inf. Process. Lett. 49(4): 209-212 (1994)
11 William H. Cunningham, Jan Green-Krótki: A separation algorithm for the matchable set polytope. Math. Program. 65: 139-150 (1994)
10 William H. Cunningham, Fan Zhang: Subgraph Degree-Sequence Polyhedra. IPCO 1992: 246-259
9 William H. Cunningham, Jan Green-Krótki: b-matching degree-sequence polyhedra. Combinatorica 11(3): 219-230 (1991)
8EEWilliam H. Cunningham: Computing the binding number of a graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics 27(3): 283-285 (1990)
7 William H. Cunningham: Improved Bounds for Matroid Partition and Intersection Algorithms. SIAM J. Comput. 15(4): 948-957 (1986)
6 William H. Cunningham: On submodular function minimization. Combinatorica 5(3): 185-192 (1985)
5EEGérard Cornuéjols, William H. Cunningham: Compositions for perfect graphs. Discrete Mathematics 55(3): 245-254 (1985)
4EEWilliam H. Cunningham: Optimal Attach and Reinforcement of a Network J. ACM 32(3): 549-561 (1985)
3EEWilliam H. Cunningham: Testing membership in matroid polyhedra. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 36(2): 161-188 (1984)
2 William H. Cunningham: Decompostiton of submodular functions. Combinatorica 3(1): 53-68 (1983)
1EEWilliam H. Cunningham: On matroid connectivity. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 30(1): 94-99 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1André Bouchet [13] [19]
2Eddie Cheng [12] [14] [17]
3Kevin K. H. Cheung [22]
4Maria Chudnovsky [24]
5Gérard Cornuéjols [5]
6James F. Geelen [15] [18] [19]
7Jim Geelen [23] [24]
8Jan Green-Krótki [9] [11]
9Penny E. Haxell [21]
10S. Thomas McCormick [16]
11Maurice Queyranne [16]
12R. Bruce Richter [21]
13Lawrence Tang [20] [22]
14Andrew Thomason [21]
15Nicholas C. Wormald [21]
16Fan Zhang [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)