
Eddie Cheng

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26EEZhizhang Shen, Ke Qiu, Eddie Cheng: On the Surface Area of the (n, k)-Star Graph. COCOA 2008: 393-404
25EEEddie Cheng, Marc J. Lipman, László Lipták: Strong structural properties of unidirectional star graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(15): 2939-2949 (2008)
24EEEddie Cheng, Linda Lesniak, Marc J. Lipman, László Lipták: Matching preclusion for Alternating Group Graphs and their Generalizations. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 19(6): 1413-1437 (2008)
23EECheng-Kuan Lin, Jimmy J. M. Tan, Lih-Hsing Hsu, Eddie Cheng, László Lipták: Conditional Diagnosability of Cayley Graphs Generated by Transposition Trees under the Comparison Diagnosis Model. Journal of Interconnection Networks 9(1/2): 83-97 (2008)
22EEEddie Cheng, László Lipták: Linearly many faults in Cayley graphs generated by transposition trees. Inf. Sci. 177(22): 4877-4882 (2007)
21EEEddie Cheng, László Lipták: Fault Resiliency of Cayley Graphs Generated by Transpositions. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 18(5): 1005-1022 (2007)
20EEEddie Cheng, László Lipták: Matching preclusion for some interconnection networks. Networks 50(2): 173-180 (2007)
19 Eddie Cheng, László Lipták: Structural Properties Of Hyper-Stars. Ars Comb. 80: (2006)
18EEEddie Cheng, William A. Lindsey, Daniel E. Steffy: Maximal vertex-connectivity of. Networks 46(3): 154-162 (2005)
17EEEddie Cheng, Sven de Vries: Separating multi-oddity constrained shortest circuits over the polytope of stable multisets. Oper. Res. Lett. 32(2): 181-184 (2004)
16EEEddie Cheng, Jerrold W. Grossman, Marc J. Lipman: Time-stamped Graphs and Their Associated Influence Digraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 128(2-3): 317-335 (2003)
15EEEddie Cheng, Serge Kruk, Marc J. Lipman: Flow Formulations for the Student Scheduling Problem. PATAT 2002: 299-309
14 Eddie Cheng, Marc J. Lipman: Vulnerability issues of star graphs, alternating group graphs and split-stars: strength and toughness. Discrete Applied Mathematics 118(3): 163-179 (2002)
13EEEddie Cheng, Jerrold W. Grossman, Marc J. Lipman: Influence Digraphs Induced by Time-Stamped Graphs (Extended Abstract). Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 11: 128-139 (2002)
12EEEddie Cheng, Marc J. Lipman: Basic Structures of Some Interconnection Networks. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 11: 140-156 (2002)
11EEEddie Cheng, Sven de Vries: Separation of Antiweb-Wheel Inequalities Over Stable Set Polytopes. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 11: 157-171 (2002)
10EEEddie Cheng, Marc J. Lipman: Unidirectional (n, k)-Star Graphs. Journal of Interconnection Networks 3(1-2): 19-34 (2002)
9EEEddie Cheng, Marc J. Lipman: Increasing the connectivity of the star graphs. Networks 40(3): 165-169 (2002)
8EEEddie Cheng, Sven de Vries: On the Facet-Inducing Antiweb-Wheel Inequalities for Stable Set Polytopes. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 15(4): 470-487 (2002)
7 Eddie Cheng, Marc J. Lipman, Hyungju Park: Super Connectivity of Star Graphs, Alternating Group Graphs and Split-Stars. Ars Comb. 59: (2001)
6EEEddie Cheng, Marc J. Lipman: On the Day-Tripathi orientation of the star graphs: Connectivity. Inf. Process. Lett. 73(1-2): 5-10 (2000)
5EEEddie Cheng, Marc J. Lipman: Orienting split-stars and alternating group graphs. Networks 35(2): 139-144 (2000)
4EEEddie Cheng: Separating subdivision of bicycle wheel inequalities over cut polytopes. Oper. Res. Lett. 23(1-2): 13-19 (1998)
3 Eddie Cheng, William H. Cunningham: Wheel inequalitites for stable set polytopes. Math. Program. 77: 389-421 (1997)
2 Eddie Cheng, William H. Cunningham: Separation Problems for the Stable Set Polytope. IPCO 1995: 65-79
1 Eddie Cheng, William H. Cunningham: A Faster Algorithm for Computing the Strength of a Network. Inf. Process. Lett. 49(4): 209-212 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1William H. Cunningham [1] [2] [3]
2Jerrold W. Grossman [13] [16]
3Lih-Hsing Hsu [23]
4Serge Kruk [15]
5Linda Lesniak [24]
6Cheng-Kuan Lin [23]
7William A. Lindsey [18]
8Marc J. Lipman [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [24] [25]
9László Lipták [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25]
10Hyungju Park [7]
11Ke Qiu [26]
12Zhizhang Shen [26]
13Daniel E. Steffy [18]
14Jimmy J. M. Tan [23]
15Sven de Vries [8] [11] [17]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)