
Fintan Culwin

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11EEXristine Faulkner, Fintan Culwin: When fingers do the talking: a study of text messaging. Interacting with Computers 17(2): 167-185 (2005)
10 Sally Fincher, Bruce J. Klein, Fintan Culwin, Michael McCracken: Proceedings of the 6th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2001, Canterbury, UK, June 25-27, 2001 ACM 2001
9EEFintan Culwin, Xristine Faulkner: Browsing the Web: Delay, Determination and Satisfaction. HICSS 2001
8EEThomas Lancaster, Fintan Culwin: Towards an error free plagarism detection process. ITiCSE 2001: 57-60
7EEFintan Culwin, Thomas Lancaster: Visualising Intra-Corpal Plagiarism. IV 2001: 289-296
6EEXristine Faulkner, Fintan Culwin: Integration of usability issues within initial software development education. (It's all about the user dummy!). SIGCSE 1999: 296-300
5EEFintan Culwin: Object imperatives! SIGCSE 1999: 31-36
4 Fintan Culwin: Editorial - Justifying Java? SIGPLAN Notices 33(4): 31-33 (1998)
3EEFintan Culwin: Java in the C.S. curriculum (seminar). SIGCSE 1997: 392
2 Fintan Culwin: A Report on the 'Java in the Computing Curriculum Conference' held at South Bank University, London, on 4th February 1997. SIGPLAN Notices 32(6): 28-32 (1997)
1EEJohn W. McCormick, Fintan Culwin, Nicholas J. DeLillo, Michael B. Feldman, Richard E. Pattis, Walter J. Savitch: Teaching Ada by the book: the pedagogy of Ada in CS1. SIGCSE 1994: 385-386

Coauthor Index

1Nicholas J. DeLillo [1]
2Xristine Faulkner [6] [9] [11]
3Michael B. Feldman [1]
4Sally Fincher [10]
5Bruce J. Klein [10]
6Thomas Lancaster [7] [8]
7John W. McCormick [1]
8Michael McCracken [10]
9Richard E. Pattis [1]
10Walter J. Savitch [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)