
Xavier de la Cruz

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9EECarles Ferrer-Costa, Josep Lluis Gelpí, Leire Zamakola, Ivan Parraga, Xavier de la Cruz, Modesto Orozco: PMUT: a web-based tool for the annotation of pathological mutations on proteins. Bioinformatics 21(14): 3176-3178 (2005)
8EELucía Conde, Juan M. Vaquerizas, Carles Ferrer-Costa, Xavier de la Cruz, Modesto Orozco, Joaquín Dopazo: PupasView: a visual tool for selecting suitable SNPs, with putative pathological effect in genes, for genotyping purposes. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Web-Server-Issue): 501-505 (2005)
7 David Talavera, Carles Ferrer-Costa, Modesto Orozco, Xavier de la Cruz: Comparative Study of MAPK 9 Alternative Splicing from Human and Mouse. Spanish Bioinformatics Conference 2004: 114-117
6 Sergio Lois, Xavier de la Cruz: A Bioinformatic Approach to the Comparative Study of Human and Mouse Proteomes. Spanish Bioinformatics Conference 2004: 119-121
5 David Piedra, Miquel Calvo, Xavier de la Cruz: A Study of the Impact of Sequence Variability in Protein Cavities. Spanish Bioinformatics Conference 2004: 124-127
4 Carles Ferrer-Costa, Modesto Orozco, Xavier de la Cruz: Annotation of Non-Human Pathological Mutations utilising Human-Parameterised Neural Networks. Spanish Bioinformatics Conference 2004: 128-131
3 Antonio Morreale, Xavier de la Cruz, Tim Meyer, Josep Lluis Gelpí, F. Javier Luque, Modesto Orozco: Hydration Free Energy in Macromolecules. Spanish Bioinformatics Conference 2004: 206-207
2 Xavier Fradera, Xavier de la Cruz, Carlos H. T. P. Silva, Josep Lluis Gelpí, F. Javier Luque, Modesto Orozco: Ligand-induced changes in the binding sites of proteins. Bioinformatics 18(7): 939-948 (2002)
1EEXavier de la Cruz, Miquel Calvo: Use of surface area computations to describe atom-atom interactions. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 15(6): 521-532 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Miquel Calvo [1] [5]
2Lucía Conde [8]
3Joaquín Dopazo [8]
4Carles Ferrer-Costa [4] [7] [8] [9]
5Xavier Fradera [2]
6Josep Lluis Gelpí [2] [3] [9]
7Sergio Lois [6]
8F. Javier Luque (Francisco Javier Luque) [2] [3]
9Tim Meyer [3]
10Antonio Morreale [3]
11Modesto Orozco [2] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9]
12Ivan Parraga [9]
13David Piedra [5]
14Carlos H. T. P. Silva [2]
15David Talavera [7]
16Juan M. Vaquerizas [8]
17Leire Zamakola [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)