
Patrick Courtney

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12EENeil A. Thacker, Adrian F. Clark, John L. Barron, J. Ross Beveridge, Patrick Courtney, William R. Crum, Visvanathan Ramesh, Christine Clark: Performance characterization in computer vision: A guide to best practices. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 109(3): 305-334 (2008)
11EEPaul A. Bromiley, Neil A. Thacker, Patrick Courtney: Non-parametric image subtraction using grey level scattergrams. Image Vision Comput. 20(9-10): 609-617 (2002)
10EEPaul A. Bromiley, Patrick Courtney, Neil A. Thacker: A Case Study in the use of ROC curves for Algorithm Design. BMVC 2001
9EEPaul A. Bromiley, Neil A. Thacker, Patrick Courtney: Colour Image Segmentation by Non-Parametric Density Estimation in Colour Space. BMVC 2001
8EEA. J. Lacey, Neil A. Thacker, Patrick Courtney, Stephen Pollard: TINA 2001: The Closed Loop 3D Model Matcher. BMVC 2001
7EEPaul A. Bromiley, Neil A. Thacker, Patrick Courtney: Non-Parametric Image Subtraction using Grey Level Scattergrams. BMVC 2000
6EEGavin V. Wheeler, Patrick Courtney, Timothy F. Cootes, Christopher J. Taylor: Performance Assessment of a Face Verification Based Access Control System. FG 2000: 221-226
5 Patrick Courtney: Evaluation and Validation of Computer Vision Algorithms. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision 1998: 17-28
4 Adrian F. Clark, Patrick Courtney: Databases for Performance Characterization. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision 1998: 29-40
3EEPatrick Courtney, Neil A. Thacker, Adrian F. Clark: Algorithmic modelling for performance evaluation. Mach. Vis. Appl. 9(5/6): 219-228 (1997)
2EENeil A. Thacker, Ian Abraham, Patrick Courtney: Supervised Learning Extensions to the CLAM Network. Neural Networks 10(2): 315-326 (1997)
1 Patrick Courtney, Neil A. Thacker, Chris R. Brown: Hardware Support for Fast Edge-based Stereo. ECCV 1992: 902-906

Coauthor Index

1Ian Abraham [2]
2John L. Barron [12]
3J. Ross Beveridge [12]
4Paul A. Bromiley [7] [9] [10] [11]
5Chris R. Brown [1]
6Adrian F. Clark [3] [4] [12]
7Christine Clark [12]
8Timothy F. Cootes [6]
9William R. Crum [12]
10A. J. Lacey [8]
11Stephen Pollard [8]
12Visvanathan Ramesh [12]
13Christopher J. Taylor [6]
14Neil A. Thacker [1] [2] [3] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
15Gavin V. Wheeler [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)