
Volker Coors

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9 Volker Coors: Synthetic Textures for 3D Urban Models in Pededstrian Navigation. TAMoCo 2008: 46-53
8EEKatja Ewald, Volker Coors: Appraisal of Standards for 3D City Models. IV 2005: 157-162
7EEVolker Coors, Jarek Rossignac: Delphi: geometry-based connectivity prediction in triangle mesh compression. The Visual Computer 20(8-9): 507-520 (2004)
6EEChristian Kray, Christian Elting, Katri Laakso, Volker Coors: Presenting route instructions on mobile devices. IUI 2003: 117-124
5EEVolker Coors: 3D-GIS in networking environments. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 27(4): 345-357 (2003)
4EEUrsula Kretschmer, Volker Coors, Ulrike Spierling, Dieter Grasbon, Kerstin Schneider, Isabel Rojas, Rainer Malaka: Meeting the spirit of history. Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage 2001: 141-152
3EEVolker Coors, Uwe Jasnoch, Volker Jung: Using the Virtual Table as an interaction platform for collaborative urban planning. Computers & Graphics 23(4): 487-496 (1999)
2EEVolker Coors, Sascha Flick: Integrating Levels of Detain in a Web-Nased 3d-GIS. ACM-GIS 1998: 40-45
1EEVolker Coors, Volker Jung: Using VRML as an Interface to the 3D Data Warehouse. VRML 1998: 121-

Coauthor Index

1Christian Elting [6]
2Katja Ewald [8]
3Sascha Flick [2]
4Dieter Grasbon [4]
5Uwe Jasnoch [3]
6Volker Jung [1] [3]
7Christian Kray [6]
8Ursula Kretschmer [4]
9Katri Laakso [6]
10Rainer Malaka [4]
11Isabel Rojas [4]
12Jarek Rossignac [7]
13Kerstin Schneider [4]
14Ulrike Spierling [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)