
Cristian Constantinescu

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13EECristian Constantinescu, Ishwar Parulkar, R. Harper, Sarah Michalak: Silent Data Corruption - Myth or reality? DSN 2008: 108-109
12EEJean Arlat, Cristian Constantinescu, Ravishankar K. Iyer, Michael Nicolaidis: Second workshop on dependable and secure nanocomputing. DSN 2008: 546-547
11EECristian Constantinescu, Karama Kanoun, Henrique Madeira, Brendan Murphy, Ira Pramanick, Aaron B. Brown: Dependability Benchmarking of Computing Systems - Panel Statement. DSN 2005: 400
10EECristian Constantinescu: Neutron SER Characterization of Microprocessors. DSN 2005: 754-759
9EECristian Constantinescu: Trends and Challenges in VLSI Circuit Reliability. IEEE Micro 23(4): 14-19 (2003)
8EECristian Constantinescu: Impact of Deep Submicron Technology on Dependability of VLSI Circuits. DSN 2002: 205-209
7EECristian Constantinescu: Dependability Analysis of a Fault-Tolerant Processor. PRDC 2001: 63-67
6EECristian Constantinescu: Teraflops Supercomputer: Architecture and Validation of the Fault Tolerance Mechanisms. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(9): 886-894 (2000)
5EECristian Constantinescu: Assessing Error Detection Coverage by Simulated Fault Injection. EDCC 1999: 161-170
4EECristian Constantinescu: Using Physical and Simulated Fault Injection to Evaluate Error Detection Mechanisms. PRDC 1999: 186-192
3 Cristian Constantinescu: Validation of the Fault/Error Handling Mechanisms of the Teraflops Supercomputer. FTCS 1998: 382-389
2 Cristian Constantinescu, Calin Sandovici: Microcomputer-Based, Gracefully Degrading Industrial Controller. Fehlertolerierende Rechensysteme 1989: 124-133
1 Cristian Constantinescu, Calin Sandovici: A Fault-Tolerant Microcomputer for Advanced Control: Architecture and Performability Analysis. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1989: 222-228

Coauthor Index

1Jean Arlat [12]
2Aaron B. Brown [11]
3R. Harper [13]
4Ravishankar K. Iyer (Ravi K. Iyer) [12]
5Karama Kanoun [11]
6Henrique Madeira [11]
7Sarah Michalak [13]
8Brendan Murphy [11]
9Michael Nicolaidis [12]
10Ishwar Parulkar [13]
11Ira Pramanick [11]
12Calin Sandovici [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)