
Nigel Collier

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21EEAi Kawazoe, Lihua Jin, Mika Shigematsu, Daisuke Bekki, Roberto Barrero, Kiyosu Taniguchi, Nigel Collier: The development of a schema for semantic annotation: Gain brought by a formal ontological method. Applied Ontology 4(1): 5-20 (2009)
20 Siegfried Handschuh, Nigel Collier, Tudor Groza, Rose Dieng, Michael Sintek, Anita de Waard: Proceedings of the Semantic Authoring, Annotation and Knowledge Markup Workshop (SAAKM2007) located at the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (KCap 2007), Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, October 28-31, 2007 CEUR-WS.org 2007
19 Thao Pham Thi Xuan, Ai Kawazoe, Dien Dinh, Nigel Collier, Tran Quoc Tri: Construction of a Vietnamese Corpora for Named Entity Recognition. RIAO 2007
18EEQi Wei, Yuval Krymolowski, Nigel Collier: Towards a Methodology for Entity Error Analysis in Annotated Corpora. SAAKM 2007
17EEPham Thi Xuan Thao, Tran Quoc Tri, Dinh Dien, Nigel Collier: Named entity recognition in Vietnamese using classifier voting. ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 6(4): (2007)
16EEAnna Korhonen, Yuval Krymolowski, Nigel Collier: Automatic Classification of Verbs in Biomedical Texts. ACL 2006
15EEAi Kawazoe, Lihua Jin, Mika Shigematsu, Roberto Barrero, Kiyosu Taniguchi, Nigel Collier: The Development of a Schema for the Annotation of Terms in the Biocaster Disease Detecting/Tracking System. KR-MED 2006
14EETuangthong Wattarujeekrit, Nigel Collier: Exploring Predicate-Argument Relations for Named Entity Recognition in the Molecular Biology Domain. Discovery Science 2005: 267-280
13EEKoichi Takeuchi, Nigel Collier: Bio-medical entity extraction using support vector machines. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 33(2): 125-137 (2005)
12EETony Mullen, Yoko Mizuta, Nigel Collier: A baseline feature set for learning rhetorical zones using full articles in the biomedical domain. SIGKDD Explorations 7(1): 52-58 (2005)
11EETuangthong Wattarujeekrit, Parantu K. Shah, Nigel Collier: PASBio: predicate-argument structures for event extraction in molecular biology. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 155 (2004)
10EENigel Collier, Koichi Takeuchi: Comparison of character-level and part of speech features for name recognition in biomedical texts. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 37(6): 423-435 (2004)
9EENigel Collier, Koichi Takeuchi, Ai Kawazoe, Tony Mullen, Tuangthong Wattarujeekrit: A Framework for Integrating Deep and Shallow Semantic Structures in Text Mining. KES 2003: 824-834
8EENigel Collier: Machine Learning for Information Extraction from XML marked-up text on the Semantic Web. SemWeb 2001
7EENigel Collier, Chikashi Nobata, Jun-ichi Tsujii: Extracting the Names of Genes and Gene Products with a Hidden Markov Model. COLING 2000: 201-207
6EENigel Collier, Hyun Seok Park, Norihiro Ogata, Yuka Tateishi, Chikashi Nobata, Tomoko Ohta, Tateshi Sekimizu, Hisao Imai, Katsutoshi Ibushi, Jun-ichi Tsujii: The GENIA project: corpus-based knowledge acquisition and information extraction from genome research papers. EACL 1999: 271-272
5EEGareth J. F. Jones, Tetsuya Sakai, Nigel Collier, Akira Kumano, Kazuo Sumita: A Comparison of Query Translation Methods for English-Japanese Cross-Language Information Retrieval (poster abstract). SIGIR 1999: 269-270
4 Nigel Collier, Hideki Hirakawa, Akira Kumano: Machine Translation versus Dictionary Term Translation - A Comparison for English-Japanese News Article Alignment. COLING-ACL 1998: 263-267
3 Nigel Collier, Kenji Ono, Hideki Hirakawa: An Experiment in Hybrid Dictionary and Statistical Sentence Alignment. COLING-ACL 1998: 268-274
2 Nigel Collier: Convergence Time Characteristics of an Associative Memory for Natural Language Processing. IJCAI 1997: 1106-1113
1EENigel Collier: Storage of Natural Language Sentences in a Hopfield Network CoRR cmp-lg/9608001: (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Roberto Barrero [15] [21]
2Daisuke Bekki [21]
3Dinh Dien [17]
4Rose Dieng (Rose Dieng-Kuntz) [20]
5Dien Dinh [19]
6Tudor Groza [20]
7Siegfried Handschuh [20]
8Hideki Hirakawa [3] [4]
9Katsutoshi Ibushi [6]
10Hisao Imai [6]
11Lihua Jin [15] [21]
12Gareth J. F. Jones [5]
13Ai Kawazoe [9] [15] [19] [21]
14Anna Korhonen [16]
15Yuval Krymolowski [16] [18]
16Akira Kumano [4] [5]
17Yoko Mizuta [12]
18Tony Mullen [9] [12]
19Chikashi Nobata [6] [7]
20Norihiro Ogata [6]
21Tomoko Ohta [6]
22Kenji Ono [3]
23Hyun Seok Park [6]
24Tetsuya Sakai [5]
25Tateshi Sekimizu [6]
26Parantu K. Shah [11]
27Mika Shigematsu [15] [21]
28Michael Sintek [20]
29Kazuo Sumita [5]
30Koichi Takeuchi [9] [10] [13]
31Kiyosu Taniguchi [15] [21]
32Yuka Tateishi [6]
33Pham Thi Xuan Thao [17]
34Tran Quoc Tri [17] [19]
35Jun-ichi Tsujii [6] [7]
36Anita de Waard [20]
37Tuangthong Wattarujeekrit [9] [11] [14]
38Qi Wei [18]
39Thao Pham Thi Xuan [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)