
J. W. Cohen

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12 J. W. Cohen: Random Walk with a Heavy-Tailed Jump Distribution. Queueing Syst. 40(1): 35-73 (2002)
11 Onno J. Boxma, J. W. Cohen: Heavy-Traffic Analysis for the GI/G/1 Queue with Heavy-Tailed Distributions. Queueing Syst. 33(1-3): 177-204 (1999)
10EEJ. W. Cohen: On the asymmetric clocked buffered switch. Queueing Syst. 30(3-4): 385-404 (1998)
9 J. W. Cohen, Douglas G. Down: On the Role of Rouché's Theorem in Queueing Analysis. Queueing Syst. 23: 281-291 (1996)
8 Onno J. Boxma, J. W. Cohen: The M/G/1 Queue with Permanent Customers. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 9(2): 179-184 (1991)
7 J. W. Cohen: Boundary Value Problems in Queueing Theory. Queueing Syst. 3(2): 97-128 (1988)
6 J. W. Cohen: On Entrance Time Distributions for Two Dimensional Random Walks. Computer Performance and Reliability 1987: 25-41
5 J. W. Cohen: A Two-Queue Model with Semi-Exhaustive Alternating Service. Performance 1987: 19-37
4 J. W. Cohen: A Two-Queue, One-Server Model with Priority for the Longer Queue. Queueing Syst. 2(3): 261-283 (1987)
3 J. W. Cohen: On the Analysis of Two-Dimensional Queueing Problems. Computer Performance and Reliability 1983: 17-32
2 J. W. Cohen: On Queueing Theory and Two-Dimensional Queueing Models. MMB 1983: 107-121
1 J. W. Cohen: The Multiple Phase Service Network with Generalized Processor Sharing. Acta Inf. 12: 245-284 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Onno J. Boxma [8] [11]
2Douglas G. Down [9]

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